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  1. R

    Braylon Edwards to visit Niners tonight

    I didn't see it written that Edwards stabbed anyone? I read exchanged blows. Why is a DUI worse for a millionaire then anyone else? Not that I condone it just saying? According to both sources, he mistook a bus boy only identified as "Dave" for a bouncer and charged into the kitchen after him...
  2. R

    Braylon Edwards to visit Niners tonight

    I know many people that have DUI's and have been in a couple fights yet they are still good people, just shouldn't be drinking at times. Also rape is not nearly the same as a DUI and not a good comparison.
  3. R

    Sunday against the Saints, I predict...

    My thoughts exactly, unless Hall just lights it up.
  4. R

    PACK @ CARDS Game prediction thread

    24 - 21 Cards
  5. R

    Secret phrase.

    2nd seed
  6. R

    One Trillion A$FN in One Hour!!!

    2nd seed
  7. R

    Giving some of it back

    Too late? not poor but could always use more.
  8. R

    Guess the Cards' passing yardage against the Rams

    273 for me please
  9. R

    LIAC Xmas Give away! HO! HO! HO!

    Champs! champs! champs!, just in case. More is always better! Champs! of the west
  10. R

    LIAC Xmas Give away! HO! HO! HO!

    We are the champs!
  11. R

    Rams @ Cardinals Prediction Thread 12/27

    Cards 28 Rams 10
  12. R

    Vikings @ Cardinals Prediction Thread 12/06

    27-24 cards win
  13. R

    Cards @ Rams Prediction Thread 11/22

    38-17 Cards win!!
  14. R

    Seahawks @ Cards Prediction Thread 11/15

    cards 35 seahags 17
  15. R

    problems with VBookie money?

    Little help maybe? lost 25 mil. was just getting going and gone.
  16. R

    *New* The One Million Dollar Giveaway

    Cardinals Rok!
  17. R

    FYI: Nobody was robbed (technically)

    I had 12 million now I have 50 bucks
  18. R

    Missing A$FN HELP!!!

    Im missing 12 million?
  19. R

    The One Trillion A$FN Dollar give away!

    Me Too!!:bang:

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