When I was in Vegas a few months ago I put $10 on cards for NFC Champs and $10 on Superbowl Champs. Dont remember the odds will have to check when I get home.
Re: Re: Greatest Superbowl Commercial of All Time?
I like the new one where the horse is running hard and a ball hits him on the shoulders, then one of the cowboys say's great speed and the other one say's ya but no hands.
I would think twice if its Rhino Productions. A close friend of my has had many dealings with them. They used to be partners and they are very dishonest. That is why they are no longer partners.
I had season tickets a few years back in section 27 we were in row 19. I remember that guy would be hoarse by the end of the game, always from trying to start the wave.
I keep hearing Jim Fassel's name being mentioned. Wasn't he the Cards OC? this would prove that assistants can become great HC's. But more than that is his job in NY in question? I haven't heard that he is in jepordy of being let go.
If they dont put a good product on the field no one will pay to park or eat their consessions and few companys will pay good money for signs in an empty stadium. So if they still suck the new stadium will bring little if any extra money.