Evil Ash
Henchman Supreme
Common sense would say you dont attempt to read minds and you go on players actions instead. There was no altercation so there was no suspendable offense. Now if you wanted to go down the road that they could have been hit with a tech for delay of game or whatever thats different...But then again there is always some player or coach on the fringes of the court so that would require a major crackdown.
They weren't on the fringes of the court. THEY WERE PAST THE 3 POINT LINE trying to get involved in a possible altercation. The situation calmed down for them luckily.
However even with time to review and plenty of video evidence of Spurs players being on the court (and even a few of them appeared to get off the bench during the altercation), they did nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Having 6 players on the court is against the rules so is delay of game. Yet the league let it all go
The officials need a need a new motto like "We enforce rules when we feel like it"
They could do more to clarify things but that doesnt mean the rules are unenforcable. I havn't seen mass suspensions or abuse of the rule. For Amare and Diaw to be 20+ feet from the bench anyone would say thats not the vicinity of the bench so why argue the rule over that?
Diaw wasn't 20 feet away from the bench for starters. With Amare at least have that argument.
However without defining what an altercation is, you can't fairly enforce it. Is a stare down an altercation? Do punches have to be thrown?
Some people including wouldn't consider that incident an altercation. Others would. So how can you punish players for a rule you haven't clearly defined?
Horry should have been thrown off the court before it could escalate but hey at least they have those 3 refs to keep control
As stated before players and coaches are venturing out all the time on the court. If there arn't altercations involved the league doesnt seem to have a big problem with it.
Which just proves that the league doesn't do the smart thing. Thats not a very strong arguement.
If you dont think there was an altercation then why after it happened did the announcers start discussing if Amare and Diaw might be suspended for leaving the bench? Why did D'Antoni and Amare try to come up with a defense after the game and try to excuse leaving the bench? Not only that but why hasn't ANYONE come out publicly and say the Horry incident wasnt an altercation? That doesnt even seem to be up for dispute....its a given except to you.
No actually to a lot of people. If you think I'm the only calling the league for this, you need to get out more often or at least try and read more.
I have a problem with a player committing cheap shots and having his team be rewarded for it. The players left the bench BEFORE the "altercation" ever started but because Horry decides to elbow Bell during an "altercation" after trying to knock out Steve Nash out of frustration, they get punished.
They aren't even given a chance to be pushed back to their seats. They were never involved with the incident, the incident was heightened as a result of their actions, and they were both thrown back to the bench before anything happened. According to Stern, the coaches are supposed to be the ones keeping players on the bench yet since our guys had the "nerve" to make sure that Nash was not injured after Horry's blatant cheapshot. Yet they receive more of a punishment then Davis who elbowed someone in the face.
I just find that moronic. I'm just amazed that you haven't noticed that you are about the only one defending the league for this one. Most of the world prefer common sense and fairness prevail but not the NBA.