Here is a something to note when filing your 2006 taxes. Basically free money if you have had a landline in the past 4 years.
Funny you should bring up taxes...I just emailed my old office today to make sure my w-2 gets sent to the right address...I can't wait to get my taxes done...need the cash.
Me too!
Not me
I need to figure out if I am missing any deductions on my taxes.
Any tips or websites to look through?
Does Turbo Tax offer you software updates every year to cover new tax rules? Or do you have to purchase a new one every year?
I'm thinking of using it instead of going to H&R Block.
I usually do my own taxes and am usually very comfortable about it, but I am wondering if this year I should get Turbo Tax or see an accountant.
Get an accountant this year, and fast. I f'ed myself on the sale of a home because I let H and R (c)Block do them. Boy I got screwed and when I realized I should have taken them to someone, it was too late.
Get an accountant this year, and fast. I f'ed myself on the sale of a home because I let H and R (c)Block do them. Boy I got screwed and when I realized I should have taken them to someone, it was too late.
Get an accountant this year, and fast. I f'ed myself on the sale of a home because I let H and R (c)Block do them. Boy I got screwed and when I realized I should have taken them to someone, it was too late.
Is Turbo tax easy enough for someone like me? By that I mean, I sold a house, moved from one state to another, didn't ever work in the new state in 2006, did various freelance stuff that I owe tax on, blah, blah, blah.
I usually do my own taxes and am usually very comfortable about it, but I am wondering if this year I should get Turbo Tax or see an accountant.