devilalum said:
I'll buy this. They hate Americans, they hated Lance winning all those years.
If the French saw that a new American was going to win they'd switch samples.
Conversely why would Landis try and take something right in the middle of the race? He knew he would be tested.
And why is it wrong for him to keep creating ideas for how he might of failed the test? If this happened to you wouldn't you be trying to figure out why? Wouldn't you try and think of every possible explanation?
In reverse, Landis said he understood that the constantly changing excuse makes him sound more guilty, because he sounds like he's just throwing out ideas hoping one will sink, thus his use of the "kitchen sink" as in he's tried everything but. Essentially he sounds like a guy grabbing at straws.
Regarding the French hatred of Americans, how come everyone conveniently forgets 1999 when Lance Armstrong tested positive for a cortical steroid that was NOT listed on his paperwork(he wrote the French word for NONE on his form under prescription medicines being taken), and was allowed to finish the TDF anyways, which he won? Armstrong got the UCI to proclaim that he was taking a cream for saddle sores that contains the cortical steroid, that he had a prescription for it, and it was approved. In fact the rules quite clearly stated that if you don't list it on your medical forms before the race, you will be removed from the race if you're using it. Under TDF rules Lance should have been yanked from the race and suspended, but he wasn't.
If you read LA confidential there's a long story in there from a former assistant to the team who talks in detail about how panic stricken they were when they found out Lance had tested positive, she says he told her he'd been taking it for weeks, it hadn't shown in his last race tests, so he assumed he was safe. He then coerced a UCI official to backdate medical forms that they faxed to the TDF people showing that he had an approved prescription for the creme, which in fact was NOT true.
The point is, if the French really hated Americans, why in the world did they make an exception in 1999 for LA? They were completely within the rules to rule him out of that race, even with the forged medical docs, but they let him continue.
The defense Landis is using now, that someone spiked my sample, is a very slippery slope because if you allow it without proof that someone DID spike it, you have given away the ability to EVER suspend anybody for doping. That excuse is always available, at some point you always have to trust that the people responsible for the testing, aren't corrupt, or you may as well not test.
As to why Landis would take something, who knows, he did come off a memorable "bonk" in the prior leg, he had a seriously painful hip injury, it's quite possible he took something to help him recover, responded with an epic leg, and then got caught.