AZ Central consolidated a list of predictions for ARZ through various sites. A lot of predictions for the mid level guys like Puig, Calhoun, Holt, Chisek & the Japanese CF, Akiyama. Makes sense as I don't think Hazen breaks the bank but predictions for Bumgardner are that he won't get more than $20M a year due to the mileage on his arm. If you can get Bumgardner for less than $25M a year I would consider it since he would provide you an ace without 1) breaking the bank like Greinke & 2) not giving up legit prospects for one.
Get Bumgardner and fill out the rest of your holes with Calhoun / Puig, Starlin Castro, Josh Lindblom & Daniel Hudson. Move Bradley to closer and this team looks good going into next year.
After Archie was dropped from the 7-8-9 rotation, he was moved to closer out ofMove Bradley to closer and this team looks good going into next year.