I guess I've come to the point where PP has brought all of this noise upon himself... All of his bravado, his P2 effect, blah blah blah...
He's 8 time pro bowler and for the duration of his career, he's been far better than most. It can and always will be debated where he ranks, but the fact is that he's been a star throughout his playing days.
Yes, he doesn't tackle... but seriously, other than that, it's nearly impossible to find fault in his game.
Yesterday, while he was on the field, and though he wasn't solely on Evans (he defended Evans roughly 60%-70% of the time), Evans only had 3 catches for 63 yards, and no TD's.
I seriously don't know what else we should expect from PP21 - as a corner. His lining up offsides on the FG was SO Stupid and is another of the those factors that led to our loss... But as a corner? C'mon people...