Pawnee, Skidi Clan
Be the first to guess what the number 25,575 might represent or refer to and win a free time travel experience of your choice for one of the following:
1. The Titanic's 1912 maiden voyage to New York,
2. The Hindenburg's 1937 flight to New Jersey,
3. The 1959 flight of rock legend Buddy Holly to his gig in beautiful Moorhead, Minnesota,
4. The 1986 flight into space aboard the space shuttle Challenger, or last but not least,
5. The 2009 Super Bowl XLIII in Tampa, Florida.
(All time travel experiences are the complement of Stewie Griffin.)
1. The Titanic's 1912 maiden voyage to New York,
2. The Hindenburg's 1937 flight to New Jersey,
3. The 1959 flight of rock legend Buddy Holly to his gig in beautiful Moorhead, Minnesota,
4. The 1986 flight into space aboard the space shuttle Challenger, or last but not least,
5. The 2009 Super Bowl XLIII in Tampa, Florida.
(All time travel experiences are the complement of Stewie Griffin.)