What a bunch of BS...!!
Can ESPN do any worse??? This is like profootballtalk crap.
yeah, ESPN REALLY needs to stop with this BS. they are just doing this for themselves.
its all garbage crap....i take NOTHING from them seriously right now. and its not even making sense anymore.
and yes....if there is anything to these rumors it comes out like this:
Minny: "Hey Charlotte, would you give up your #8 pick for Amare?"
Charlotte: "Hell yes, are the suns interested in trading him"
Minny: "No.....they arent. But you would do this wouldnt you?"
Charlotte: "Yes, but......
Minny: "OK COOL...." :click:
Minny: "Hey ESPN, Charlotte wants Amare for their #8 pick"
ESPN: "Really, so the suns want to trade amare?"
Minny: "Nope.....but we'll trade Kevin to the Suns if the Suns trade Amare to the Cats for their #8"
ESPN: "Do the suns know about this?"
Minny: "Nope...but just think about it"
ESPN: "So the suns....."
Minny: "yeah yeah" :click:
ESPN: "Hey Chad write us up an article about a Minny/Suns/Cats trade"
Ford: "REALL?"
ESPN: "Yeah, we just talked to Minny about it"
Ford: "No way....REALL?"
ESPN: "You've got 10 minutes"