Yeah seriously...go effin Cards!!!!!! Been a fan since waaaay back.....those Niners are a bunch of non-Super Bowl winning losers!!!! I say we all go to they're boards so we can raise hell and throw our rich team history!!
Oh yeah,I forgot to mention.....GO FRIGGIN CARDS!!!!!
Ummm... Funny?
What is it with 9er fans???? You know what? I am a dbacks fan, but when people talk smack about them, I dont tell them "uhhh, we have won a world series, how many have you won?" Seems kind of childish, and just a further reason to point out your lack of intelligence for making some critical evaluations about your "current" team. Oh, let's say the one that you now have, not the one from 20 years ago. I bet 75% of the 9er posters who get on this board werent even old enough or born yet to remember there championship seasons. lol Which makes it even more funny... So wait, you guys are pretty funny. Thanks, I answered my own question.