Also, I love how a player is supposed to have perfected his craft in his 4th year as a professional player when the rules aren't even the same over those years. The refs essentially took away his size advantage in the offseason, and the thought is that there would not be any drop off or adjustment period.
Okay, so Peterson can get torched, but nobody can hold him accountable in the least, and it's never going to be his fault? Gotcha. Yes, the rules have changed, but I don't care. If you're paid as a top player in your fourth year, you don't get the 'still working on his game' excuse. That excuse is gone. The rules have made the position harder, true. But don't talk like you're the best, get paid like you're the best, and play for long stretches like you're just a top 20 CB in the league at best. Simple.
Again, if he can't walk the walk, he should NOT be talking the talk. Bringing it ALL on himself. He can admit it after the fact and say he won't do it again, but history doesn't bear that out.
I'm sorry, but you're making excuses. He's paid like the best, but he only sometimes plays like the best. If he stops running his mouth and buckles down more, he'll get more slack. It's a simple equation.