That's what I'm saying when I use terms like corrosive and toxic... Some here seem incapable of understanding the importance of a supposed "leader" to not just win MVP's, but to actually "lead" his team.
A-Rod will always remain one of baseball's alltime "ME" players... Heck, even Reggie Jackson, widely regarded as the THE most selfish player to ever play the game, found a way to rally his team and win in the post season. A-Rod? Nope...
Ask anyone who has ever played with A-Rod and they'll tell you they did not enjoy the experience. Sure, most players who speak about him will find the way to say something positive. And why not? A-Rod single-handidly is doing more for raising MLB salaries than any other player! He is the quintessential Love to Hate him player... But in true candor, he is the player the true great ones would prefer to keep as an opponent than as a teammate.