A Season Lost (Maybe 2) - 3 Points


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Wow.....just wow.

You want hope ? You will have to wait till at least October 23rd, maybe longer.....much longer.

This team will get slaughtered by the Saints next week. It will be ugly. Hopefully being embarrassed at home, with the fans walking out at haftime to go back to tailgating and watch real NFL football on their TV's in the parking lot will make Whiz, and company realize they have really screwed this franchise over one year.

My 3 Points:

1. Anyone with a brain is wondering if Leinart would have been this bad. Max Hall better produce some offense, because in reality Hall is the reason Leinart was release. Derek Anderson is who he is, and has humbled Whiz. Whiz has learned the lesson that he can't fix everything. Anderson's game on Sunday was horrible. John Skelton could have done better.

-Right now our passing game is a trainwreck, and our best option is sitting in Texas, in many fans opinions. The fact our best option is riding the pine in Texas is a showing that our front office failed to get a grip on their QB situation, and then when faced with adversity, our front office/coaching staff choked on finding a NFL quality solution.

2. Defense. Seriously.... I mean seriouly what the hell. Actually, it should not come as a surprise. Buster Davis, Courtney Brown (? - actually who knows here since Whiz though it better to keep do nothing DB's instead of much needed pass rushers), Jorrick Calvin, Rashad Johnson, DRC, Calias Campbell, Mike Davis, and Dan Williams. Not much going on with those draft picks, and some how what promise some of these players showed has regressed to "throw in the towel & going through the motions". We are getting nothing from our drafts defensively. Then the vets we bring in to help with our failure of drafting Joey Porter, Paris Lenon, Bryan Robinson, Stevie Baggs and Clark Haggans, and they are washed up and horrible as well.

A unit we are supposed to be leaning on this year, has been crippled by what they cannot handle. Our defense is too small, too slow, and too weak.

3. It was a nice ride but ....... WERE BAAAAAAaaaaack!

I cannot bring myself to say "Same ol' Cardinals" even though that is the case. I am just going to say, "We're going old school."

Break out the paper bags. I have seen a lot of bad games by the Arizona Cardinals in my day, but yesteday is easily in the top 5 worse games I have ever seen, maybe the top 3.

Got our doors blown off by Atlanta, and the Chargers beat us before halftime. I doubt our team could have made a come back if the Chargers didn't field a defense and the Cardinals had to do a passing skeleton drill to move the ball.

The Cardinals have holes at, QB, both OT's, OG, TE, WR, DE, NT, ILB, OLB, S. That is over 50% of the positions on the field.

We should be 0-4 as a team, it is by luck that we are not.

I would say put in Jeremy Bridges....but at what tackle position ? left or right ?

Alan Faneca's whif that allowed Max Hall to get crushed is something I would love to be put up on the big screen if he gets elected to Canton. Are we really going to say this guy is a HOF'er ? Sorry, that was horrible, and I have seen some things as a Cardinals fan on the O-line, that was horrible. Anthony Clement does a better job pass blocking.

This team is playing like it should be 0-4, and things are going to get worse, much, much worse. I know, I am a Cardinals fan, and I have seen this all before. Young team, Coach talking about intangebiles, effort, and heart, more than talking about skills, and game planning. No QB talent, porous defense with no pass rush, horrible offensive line.......enough, as I said we have seen this all before, and we all know what the result is.

Ridiculous to have to sit through another season of 75% of the games being over before halftime. Watching the Cardinals is like eating my vegetables as a kid. Thank goodness, I got the NFL ticket so I can watch some NFL grade/skill football at 1pm (ET) before I have to watch the goat vomit of the AZ Cardinals for as long as my brain and patience can commit to it.

What is worse ? I see nothing for the future. Who is our OLB, QB, OT, ILB of the future ? They are not there. Not to mention, I think Calias Campbell has plateau'ed and that is not a good thing.

This team is going to be a horror show for the rest of the year, and by the end the home games will be blacked out locally. Then there will be a lock out, and then the Cardinals will be called on the bluff of "all we need is a stadium to be competitive." Because they will have a hard time recovering from back to back seasons without NFL football being playing in UoP.

The only positive thing I have to say about this team right now, is I am proud of the fans who have been able to watch, and keep the faith through this crap. To pay money for this is very, very tough to deal with these days.

I am embarrassed of the product that is on the field. I hope our coaching staff of "we can do no wrong" has been humbling in the fact that " you can put lipstick on a pig.... but in the end it is still a pig".

"In Whiz we Trust" <--- Damn right. We all have put our trust into this guy. He has A MASSIVE challenge in front of him. He will have to some how not make this Saints game an embarrassment, get to the bye, and band aid this team up to be at the very least competitive. Cause by week 8, who is going to pay for 1/2 a football game where the team you are going to see is blown out mid-way through the 2nd quarter.

The 2010 Arizona pigs.... it is going to be a looooong season.
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Hall of Famer
Dec 16, 2008
Reaction score
Agreed. the only thing id like to add is i think the whole teams problems stem from the QB, offense and defense. Whenever the offense came on the field last year and kurt warner started making plays it fired of the defense and just gave energy to the whole team. I think the fact that the cards are playing from behind is one reason why their pass rush has been non-existent because opponents are just running the ball...

I think if max hall can come in next week and put together some decent drives then well see a different team, one that will still loose but a better one...


Registered User
Jun 18, 2003
Reaction score
agreed with everything, i knew anderson was bad, been saying so ever since we signed him, and i'm no great judge of nfl talent, if i was i'd be in a front office somewhere making six figures,
but the scary thing is someone MAKING SIX FIGURES thought he was the MAN, a better option than leinert, unfreakinbelivible!

if i perfomed that poorly at my job i would be out on my ass,
max hall is what he is, btw? WTH!!!!! IS HE!!! i don't know, they don't know and 32 other teams over 200 times didn't know either

they wern't gonna throw a flyer at him, and now our season rests on the shoulders of an undrafted free agent "who hates me" max hall hates everything....good luck kid your gonna need it, hope your a quick study

yeah i said in the game thread something similar to your thoughts whiz's quick success with arguably sports worst franchise and high fives and back slaps and atta boys all around gave the man an over inflated ego

i think he is smart enough to be humbled now. at least i hope so,
i think in fact if whiz had a time machine number 7 would be trotting onto the field next week,I'i'm sure of it and your damn right he would have been a better option!

uughhhh...the little taste of success warner and haley gave us in 08 spoiled me, i had really gotten use to mediocrity it didn't bother me


a small thing to ask for supporting this team for 30 freaking years!!!

i hope some of the front office the players and the coaching staff have the guts to visit this board and read this,
gentlemen you get paid a kings ransom to do what you do, the fans give up a good portion of an entire yearly income to watch what you produce.

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Be careful what you wish for.
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
Coventry, England
Its always darkest at the bottom of the well.....and we are definately at the bottom.

This is without a doubt the worse team in the NFL, personally I think we took the 'in Whiz we trust' to far, i'm not saying he should be fired but really we need to open our eyes and look at some of the decisions made this year. The honeymoon is over for Whiz, this is his team now, his offense.
I think if the truth be known we all suspected this was coming but did any of us expect it to be *this* bad this soon?

Too many excuses to hide behind too many Steeler cast offs, and too many short sighted moves.


Air Raid Warning!
Apr 26, 2005
Reaction score
Agreed. the only thing id like to add is i think the whole teams problems stem from the QB, offense and defense. Whenever the offense came on the field last year and kurt warner started making plays it fired of the defense and just gave energy to the whole team. I think the fact that the cards are playing from behind is one reason why their pass rush has been non-existent because opponents are just running the ball...

I think if max hall can come in next week and put together some decent drives then well see a different team, one that will still loose but a better one...

The broadcast team doing the Hawks-Rams early game mentioned that when KW retired, the entire division heaved a sigh of relief and realized that it was wide open. The one world-class feature of the Cardinals the last two year, the passing game, has deteriorated and taken the defense with it. Yeah, there were individual games last season, when the defense carried the team, but for the most part this team's identity was the passing game with Kurt, Q, Fitz, and Steve Breaston. Without that element, it is going to be a long season.

Whis is trying to figure out what Derek Anderson does well? I am too Whis. But the O-line hasn't been doing him any favors, especially the right tackle.
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Registered User
Jun 18, 2003
Reaction score
I think if the truth be known we all suspected this was coming but did any of us expect it to be *this* bad this soon?
almost , i predicted hall would be starting by the bye week, so one game off really
and our defense gave up 90 points in two playoff games last year, and i didn't really see anything done to address that either,

but this is bad, really really bad

edited to add
i really thought the o=line would be ok, i never realised how much a quarterback by reading defense's as well as warner did, could make the o-line look great, i am convinced if warner started next week the o line would look fantastic,

now who he would have had to throw it too? i don't know..we should have found a way to keep Q, we could have rolle i could take or leave dansby hurt but Q? damn that sucked
i think we should have moved heaven and earth to keep him and dansby for that matter
i am really not too surprised by docketts lack of production he is really all the opposing offense has to gameplan for
a-dub is great but his best years are behind him and he is fast losing a step, we got a boatload of holes to fill
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Be careful what you wish for.
Sep 5, 2008
Reaction score
Coventry, England
now who he would have had to throw it too? i don't know..we should have found a way to keep Q, we could have rolle i could take or leave dansby hurt but Q? damn that sucked
i think we should have moved heaven and earth to keep him and dansby for that matter
i am really not too surprised by docketts lack of production he is really all the opposing offense has to gameplan for
a-dub is great but his best years are behind him and he is fast losing a step, we got a boatload of holes to fill

I confess I didn't have problem with losing Q.....I was wrong very very wrong.
the rest Rolle Dansby I'm not so bothered about

as for A-Dub you're right he can still contribute but he needs to be used differently but you're right again he has lost a step he isn't who he used to be


Have a Nice Day!
Mar 14, 2003
Reaction score
Monroe NC
Is there any other team in the NFL that has a offensive run coordinator and a offensive pass coordinator and no overall offensive coordinator like the Cardinals do? Isn't there something wrong with this?

This team needs one offensive coordinator to be responsible for the offensive game plan each week.

Whiz not wanting to hurt his buddy's Grimm feeling names him run coordinator because he truly didn't believe Grimm could be an offensive coordinator and the guy really isn't even a good offensive line coach.

There needs to be an overhaul of the coaching staff after this season. Grimm and Davis need to go. An offensive coordinator needs to be hired. One who will be taking care of the play calling on Sundays.

A defensive coordinator needs to be hired that actually knows how to game plan for an opponent.

Wait all of this doesn't matter because there will be a lockout next year so there will be no need for any coaches.


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Wait all of this doesn't matter because there will be a lockout next year so there will be no need for any coaches.

And having a year like this, and a lockout afterwards will be devastated to this organization.

Talking about going back 10 years.


May 15, 2002
Reaction score
York, PA
Wow.....just wow.

You want hope ? You will have to wait till at least October 23rd, maybe longer.....much longer.

This team will get slaughtered by the Saints next week. It will be ugly. Hopefully being embarrassed at home, with the fans walking out at haftime to go back to tailgating and watch real NFL football on their TV's in the parking lot will make Whiz, and company realize they have really screwed this franchise over one year.

My 3 Points:

1. Anyone with a brain is wondering if Leinart would have been this bad. Max Hall better produce some offense, because in reality Hall is the reason Leinart was release. Derek Anderson is who he is, and has humbled Whiz. Whiz has learned the lesson that he can't fix everything. Anderson's game on Sunday was horrible. John Skelton could have done better.

-Right now our passing game is a trainwreck, and our best option is sitting in Texas, in many fans opinions. The fact our best option is riding the pine in Texas is a showing that our front office failed to get a grip on their QB situation, and then when faced with adversity, our front office/coaching staff choked on finding a NFL quality solution.

2. Defense. Seriously.... I mean seriouly what the hell. Actually, it should not come as a surprise. Buster Davis, Courtney Brown (? - actually who knows here since Whiz though it better to keep do nothing DB's instead of much needed pass rushers), Jorrick Calvin, Rashad Johnson, DRC, Calias Campbell, Mike Davis, and Dan Williams. Not much going on with those draft picks, and some how what promise some of these players showed has regressed to "throw in the towel & going through the motions". We are getting nothing from our drafts defensively. Then the vets we bring in to help with our failure of drafting Joey Porter, Paris Lenon, Bryan Robinson, Stevie Baggs and Clark Haggans, and they are washed up and horrible as well.

A unit we are supposed to be leaning on this year, has been crippled by what they cannot handle. Our defense is too small, too slow, and too weak.

3. It was a nice ride but ....... WERE BAAAAAAaaaaack!

I cannot bring myself to say "Same ol' Cardinals" even though that is the case. I am just going to say, "We're going old school."

Break out the paper bags. I have seen a lot of bad games by the Arizona Cardinals in my day, but yesteday is easily in the top 5 worse games I have ever seen, maybe the top 3.

Got our doors blown off by Atlanta, and the Chargers beat us before halftime. I doubt our team could have made a come back if the Chargers didn't field a defense and the Cardinals had to do a passing skeleton drill to move the ball.

The Cardinals have holes at, QB, both OT's, OG, TE, WR, DE, NT, ILB, OLB, S. That is over 50% of the positions on the field.

We should be 0-4 as a team, it is by luck that we are not.

I would say put in Jeremy Bridges....but at what tackle position ? left or right ?

Alan Faneca's whif that allowed Max Hall to get crushed is something I would love to be put up on the big screen if he gets elected to Canton. Are we really going to say this guy is a HOF'er ? Sorry, that was horrible, and I have seen some things as a Cardinals fan on the O-line, that was horrible. Anthony Clement does a better job pass blocking.

This team is playing like it should be 0-4, and things are going to get worse, much, much worse. I know, I am a Cardinals fan, and I have seen this all before. Young team, Coach talking about intangebiles, effort, and heart, more than talking about skills, and game planning. No QB talent, porous defense with no pass rush, horrible offensive line.......enough, as I said we have seen this all before, and we all know what the result is.

Ridiculous to have to sit through another season of 75% of the games being over before halftime. Watching the Cardinals is like eating my vegetables as a kid. Thank goodness, I got the NFL ticket so I can watch some NFL grade/skill football at 1pm (ET) before I have to watch the goat vomit of the AZ Cardinals for as long as my brain and patience can commit to it.

What is worse ? I see nothing for the future. Who is our OLB, QB, OT, ILB of the future ? They are not there. Not to mention, I think Calias Campbell has plateau'ed and that is not a good thing.

This team is going to be a horror show for the rest of the year, and by the end the home games will be blacked out locally. Then there will be a lock out, and then the Cardinals will be called on the bluff of "all we need is a stadium to be competitive." Because they will have a hard time recovering from back to back seasons without NFL football being playing in UoP.

The only positive thing I have to say about this team right now, is I am proud of the fans who have been able to watch, and keep the faith through this crap. To pay money for this is very, very tough to deal with these days.

I am embarrassed of the product that is on the field. I hope our coaching staff of "we can do no wrong" has been humbling in the fact that " you can put lipstick on a pig.... but in the end it is still a pig".

"In Whiz we Trust" <--- Damn right. We all have put our trust into this guy. He has A MASSIVE challenge in front of him. He will have to some how not make this Saints game an embarrassment, get to the bye, and band aid this team up to be at the very least competitive. Cause by week 8, who is going to pay for 1/2 a football game where the team you are going to see is blown out mid-way through the 2nd quarter.

The 2010 Arizona pigs.... it is going to be a looooong season.

Boy oh boy, how naive were we in thinking that the transitions this team needed to make would be easy. I certainly understand the frustrations here because I've followed this team since the early 60's. I honestly don't think that Whiz sensed the dropoff would be this dramatic & pronounced. You can criticize him all you want, but NO COACH can rightfully predict something of this nature. All that being said, I have all the faith in the world that he will right this ship. It just might take longer than even he expected. You mentioned something about taking a band aid approach to fixing our problems. I think that is a mistake & could put this team in a hole for a few years. It's time to take the Marty Schottenheimer approach, who never, never took the band aid approach. It's time to make EVERYONE on this team, including himself & his coaches accountable for the results on Sunday. Let them know they are competing day to day for their futures. They need to go back to the basics & fundamentally fix the issues that are causing us to look so pathetic. Will we automatically win 6 in a row? NO. We may even lose by 3 tds to New Orleans. The key is to make small improvements each week. If we can do that, this team could still win 7-8 games THIS year. Wins at home against Seattle, SF, St. Louis, TB & Denver are not impossible. We could even steal a road win against Carolina, KC or Seattle. But we'll need to walk before we run & right now we're barely crawling.

I know everyone is pissed off right now & so am I, but I don't see this team deteriorating this year. I KNOW Whiz is a good coach & I think gradual improvement will come. That's all I'm going to say right now.


4 Food groups: beans, chili, cheese, bacon
Supporting Member
May 20, 2002
Reaction score
Boy oh boy, how naive were we in thinking that the transitions this team needed to make would be easy. I certainly understand the frustrations here because I've followed this team since the early 60's. I honestly don't think that Whiz sensed the dropoff would be this dramatic & pronounced. You can criticize him all you want, but NO COACH can rightfully predict something of this nature. All that being said, I have all the faith in the world that he will right this ship. It just might take longer than even he expected. You mentioned something about taking a band aid approach to fixing our problems. I think that is a mistake & could put this team in a hole for a few years. It's time to take the Marty Schottenheimer approach, who never, never took the band aid approach. It's time to make EVERYONE on this team, including himself & his coaches accountable for the results on Sunday. Let them know they are competing day to day for their futures. They need to go back to the basics & fundamentally fix the issues that are causing us to look so pathetic. Will we automatically win 6 in a row? NO. We may even lose by 3 tds to New Orleans. The key is to make small improvements each week. If we can do that, this team could still win 7-8 games THIS year. Wins at home against Seattle, SF, St. Louis, TB & Denver are not impossible. We could even steal a road win against Carolina, KC or Seattle. But we'll need to walk before we run & right now we're barely crawling.

I know everyone is pissed off right now & so am I, but I don't see this team deteriorating this year. I KNOW Whiz is a good coach & I think gradual improvement will come. That's all I'm going to say right now.

I caught just a clip of Whiz on NFL channel...he said something akin to 'during training camp I just thought we were better than we are'.

Based on that statement, I wonder what he actually saw, because several posters from here who were at camp saw lots of problems


Supporting Member
Feb 3, 2003
Reaction score
The Aventine
The Cardinals demise is really very easy to explain: the universe has righted itself.


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Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Boy oh boy, how naive were we in thinking that the transitions this team needed to make would be easy. I certainly understand the frustrations here because I've followed this team since the early 60's. I honestly don't think that Whiz sensed the dropoff would be this dramatic & pronounced. You can criticize him all you want, but NO COACH can rightfully predict something of this nature. All that being said, I have all the faith in the world that he will right this ship. It just might take longer than even he expected. You mentioned something about taking a band aid approach to fixing our problems. I think that is a mistake & could put this team in a hole for a few years. It's time to take the Marty Schottenheimer approach, who never, never took the band aid approach. It's time to make EVERYONE on this team, including himself & his coaches accountable for the results on Sunday. Let them know they are competing day to day for their futures. They need to go back to the basics & fundamentally fix the issues that are causing us to look so pathetic. .

Some of us, didn't say transistions would be easy, but as you said the dropoff has been dramatic & pronounced.

By band-aid, I mean what he can do for this year, and the future.

There is only so much you can coach up a player, and there are some players that are just not getting the job done. Period.

If Max Hall becomes our starter, then we are throwing the towel in for the season for things like winning the division and playoffs.

Why waste time on "coaching up" Paris Lenon, Joey Porter, Clark Haggans, Alan Faneca, Gabe Watson..... It is a waste of time.

What do you do then ? Who do you play, and how to you play them ?

Those are the kind of fixes I am talking about.

To go status quo from here on out, would seem ridiculous. The current setup is not going to cut it, and the current goal using the current setup is un-attainable, IMVHO


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
The Cardinals demise is really very easy to explain: the universe has righted itself.

Figured it was a good sign for the economy.

At least we got new uniforms before we returned to the norm. If I live till I am 92 I might see another championship.


Aug 14, 2006
Reaction score
Boy oh boy, how naive were we in thinking that the transitions this team needed to make would be easy. I certainly understand the frustrations here because I've followed this team since the early 60's. I honestly don't think that Whiz sensed the dropoff would be this dramatic & pronounced. You can criticize him all you want, but NO COACH can rightfully predict something of this nature. All that being said, I have all the faith in the world that he will right this ship. It just might take longer than even he expected. You mentioned something about taking a band aid approach to fixing our problems. I think that is a mistake & could put this team in a hole for a few years. It's time to take the Marty Schottenheimer approach, who never, never took the band aid approach. It's time to make EVERYONE on this team, including himself & his coaches accountable for the results on Sunday. Let them know they are competing day to day for their futures. They need to go back to the basics & fundamentally fix the issues that are causing us to look so pathetic. Will we automatically win 6 in a row? NO. We may even lose by 3 tds to New Orleans. The key is to make small improvements each week. If we can do that, this team could still win 7-8 games THIS year. Wins at home against Seattle, SF, St. Louis, TB & Denver are not impossible. We could even steal a road win against Carolina, KC or Seattle. But we'll need to walk before we run & right now we're barely crawling.

I know everyone is pissed off right now & so am I, but I don't see this team deteriorating this year. I KNOW Whiz is a good coach & I think gradual improvement will come. That's all I'm going to say right now.

WRONG----- this transition should have been much easier than it has been. They all worked at toward building a team set up to give Matt Leinart his best chance to succeed in this offense, then just two weeks before the season started in ernest, they changed the very player that they set the personnel for. THAT FALLS ONLY ONE ONE PERSON, (WHIZENHUNT). He alone is responsible for having a run blocking O-line to pass protect for an erratic QB who he personally picked after getting his contract extension. Whizenhunt has completely blown up all the hard work and effort to get through this transition.

He believed he could coach up DA, like he did Big Ben. He forgets that he no longer has Haley to run the offense for him. He no longer, (as HC), has time to devote to calling plays, personally coaching up an erratic QB, and getting the correct people in the game in order to pass protect for the QB, or to stop the run and take the junk off the DE's and LB's on Defense. He has more fires to fight than he can handle and needs to get a real OC that he can trust to do that job so that he can do HIS job which is getting accountability out of his position coaches.


Registered User
Jun 18, 2003
Reaction score
WRONG----- this transition should have been much easier than it has been. They all worked at toward building a team set up to give Matt Leinart his best chance to succeed in this offense, then just two weeks before the season started in ernest, they changed the very player that they set the personnel for. THAT FALLS ONLY ONE ONE PERSON, (WHIZENHUNT). He alone is responsible for having a run blocking O-line to pass protect for an erratic QB who he personally picked after getting his contract extension. Whizenhunt has completely blown up all the hard work and effort to get through this transition.

He believed he could coach up DA, like he did Big Ben. He forgets that he no longer has Haley to run the offense for him. He no longer, (as HC), has time to devote to calling plays, personally coaching up an erratic QB, and getting the correct people in the game in order to pass protect for the QB, or to stop the run and take the junk off the DE's and LB's on Defense. He has more fires to fight than he can handle and needs to get a real OC that he can trust to do that job so that he can do HIS job which is getting accountability out of his position coaches.

whiz thinks only afc north players are worthy of being in the nfl, how many cleveland cincy or pittsburgh castoffs or former castoffs are we gonna hire next season, if there is a next season


Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
Hell is thawing out.

Break out the paper bags. I have seen a lot of bad games by the Arizona Cardinals in my day, but yesterday is easily in the top 5 worse games I have ever seen, maybe the top 3.

You would have to be at least 65 years old to remember two losses like those in the first 4 weeks.

There were several of us who didn't think that the transition was going to be easy. That the team lost too much experience to remain at the top and that the addition by subtraction crowd was being naive. But even the most darksider of us didn't think it would be this bad.

Totally Red: Good post but with the Cardinals nothing ever seems to be normal. They had the #1 passing offense in the NFL in 2005 and couldn't run the football at all finishing dead last in rushing.
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Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
You would have to be at least 65 years old to remember two losses like those in the first 4 weeks.

November 16th, 2003 - Cardinals lose 44-6 to the Browns. That is the worst loss I ever watched.

And off the top of my head, the "game" against the Patriots in the snow, might be the worst loss under Whiz I have seen.

That is 2 within the last decade that were worse that this IMO.


Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
November 16th, 2003 - Cardinals lose 44-6 to the Browns. That is the worst loss I ever watched.

And off the top of my head, the "game" against the Patriots in the snow, might be the worst loss under Whiz I have seen.

That is 2 within the last decade that were worse that this IMO.

Terrible losses I agree but we all know the Patriots game was an exhibition for the Cards who had the division all but wrapped up. Just like the week 17 loss to the Packers last season.

The 2003 team had nowhere near the level of coaching and player talent this team supposedly has and those two losses didn't come in a span of only 3 weeks in the first quarter of the season.

to remember two losses like those in the first 4 weeks.
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Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Terrible losses I agree but we all know the Patriots game was an exhibition for the Cards who had the division all but wrapped up. Just like the week 17 loss to the Packers last season.

The 2003 team had nowhere near the level of coaching and player talent this team supposedly has and those two losses didn't come in a span of only 3 weeks in the first quarter of the season.



Yeah, no I don't remember a double butt-kicking to this magnitude, ever.


Nov 14, 2004
Reaction score
Albuquerque, NM
If we are going into rebuilding mode, then we have to trade Fitz during the offseason. It sucks, but there is no way he is re-signing here during a re-building era. If we don't trade him, we lose our franchise with nothing to show in return.

In today's NFL it is incredibly tough to succeed without a QBOF of some capacity. We have a lot riding on Max Hall. The future of the franchise is riding on Max Hall, which is a scary situation to be in. One that the management put us in. The only way I see #11 sticking around is if he has someone to get him the ball at least 80 times a year. Even then, everyone knows he wants to play for his home team.


Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score


Yeah, no I don't remember a double butt-kicking to this magnitude, ever.

I'm sure you would agree that if the Cards had lost 24-17 or even as bad as 28-13 to Atlanta and San Diego there wouldn't be near the hand wringing going on among Cardinal fans.

I know I would be satisfied with 2-2 in our division with those results. It is the severity of the losses coupled with the supposed talent in coaching and personnel and the scores of the playoff games last season that have every one up in arms.