ASFN Addict
Ive never grown anything in ,y life. In fact, Im more adept at killing, butchering and cooking things. I really want to grow something this year.
I live in greenpoint brooklyn. If youre curious about this old school Polish neighborhood, Look up toxic waste, contaminated ground water and soil and Greenpoint. My nabe's past is indrustrial and shady at best.
No sweat! I have an awesome rooftop deck in my building, and I found this web site by a team from Montreal. It has an AWESOME guide for building a raised bed planter.
Im making a run at heirloom tomatoes this season, most likely 9 plants for my three beds I built.
Anyone have any good war stories about growing your own food?
I live in greenpoint brooklyn. If youre curious about this old school Polish neighborhood, Look up toxic waste, contaminated ground water and soil and Greenpoint. My nabe's past is indrustrial and shady at best.
No sweat! I have an awesome rooftop deck in my building, and I found this web site by a team from Montreal. It has an AWESOME guide for building a raised bed planter.
Im making a run at heirloom tomatoes this season, most likely 9 plants for my three beds I built.
Anyone have any good war stories about growing your own food?