I punted and kicked on the side (not bad---used to be able to hit 35-40 yarders without fail), but I was the ONLY one who was able to longsnap on the team, so I couldn't do the others in a game.
When you punt (right-footed), you want to let the ball go from your hand to your foot parallel to the ground, laces-up, and make sure the ball is on the outer portion of your foot. Don't drop the ball, or minimize the drop, as you lose control. Also, don't put the ball all the way on the outside of your foot---just a tad bit---this creates the spiral.
Kicking: Plant your non-kicking foot directly beside the football, at a distance to the side that is comfortable for your size. use the instep of your foot, towards the toes, with the foot pointed down as if the toes were the end of an arrow. Keep your head down, use your hips, and use your arms---they are the key to creating torque with your hips. For a right footed kick, you would throw your left arm and shoulder back and rip your right arm across the body, with your hips following it, as you kick.
So, there are a few tips, if you still need them.