2 for 1 post:
I watched Zero Dark Thirty one night,then Argo the very next night(a few nights ago)....back to Argo in a minute.
I'll never even bother to watch another Kathy Bigelow film again. Her critically acclaimed work is the sole reason i have avoided network tv drama for the last several years anyway. I went into ZDT with the best of intentions,not even realizing that it was another Bigelow film...it took all of about 15 minutes for me to realize that this was The Hurt Locker all over again.
I just feel dumbed down when the director has to do a real quick zoom in close up on people/actors when they have no dialogue...and then quickly zoom out and quick cut to a wall with graffitti on it. Like its supposed draw me in further somehow...Lol.
If its not a wall its a junkyard dog eating garbage out of a trash bag...so i'm supposed to feel like its a gritty scene. Its garbage alright.
Meanwhile there are actors overacting left and right with pretentious dialogue in the background and in conversation meant to draw me in further beacause "its a tense and tightly wound drama-filled situation"....whatever
Its the directors fault. I hate this style of directing and as a result,acting.
I don't need to be conscious of your camera and actors trying sell the drama for 2 hours.
Let the story evoke the drama.
Argo did that for me. I'm not the biggest Affleck fan,but he nailed this IMO...yeah yeah,both of these films used the hollywood script as a tool to dramatize...but Argo was a far superior film in my eyes and ears. Very well written,well acted and executed.
I wish Katherine Bigelow would just leave filmaking and resurrect E.R. on television.Torture? Who cares? It was torture for me to sit thru this film. She's a hack.