I really like BA.
Look there is only one way to fight this and that is to call them out on it in any legitimate way you can. Laying down for it won't work.
Document it well enough, long enough, in my opinion they'll have to let you into the club of teams where things go your way.
Trouble is they can then take it away at any key moment they chose to and if done more sporadically it's impossible to really fight.
What he's doing though will have an effect but it's not the solution.
Used to be that Vegas would never stand for this and can easily point it out because they have stats for everything.
It has to be obvious to them but if they do know about it then perversely they would have an interest in not saying anything as it would only help them to know and not let on.
There would have to be some kind of pattern to it for them to remain silent, a bettable pattern, all just my opinion.