Would you feel the same way if it was speeding tickets?
I'm not really sure what your point is but then again, I'm not really sure what my answer is either. I'd certainly be concerned about a player who had double digit speeding tickets and they led to him being dismissed from his college football program but I'm not sure that "speeding" is something a person would have difficulty putting behind them. I know I'd be very concerned about a person that routinely violated the law regardless which law that was. I'd also be concerned about someone that would routinely endanger the safety of other people.
Keep in mind though, I came down strongly against one specific argument being used to support Tyrann, not against Tyrann himself. I've said several times, before and after the draft, that I'd be in favor of giving the guy another chance in the 4th round or later. Having it happen a round earlier is just a slight disappointment AFAIC. I don't really expect him to succeed but I'm pulling for him.