This is more Mike Luke than Jason Scheer.
It’s no secret around Tucson that Boswell’s priorities weren’t basketball. He was always out partying and, we’ll just say, had a bad relationship with alcohol. It was known by the coaching staff, but they did nothing to help curb the behavior, even though it was obviously impacting his game (dude had a beer belly during the season). Tommy didn’t address his porous play until around February, but did not do anything to hold him accountable. And then the blackjack situation happened and still, Tommy did nothing where he could’ve benched him, kick him off the team, or something to convey that his behavior was unacceptable. There are other issues with accountability on the team, but that’s a conversation for another day and it’s something Tommy needs to figure out before it’s too late.
w/r/t Mike Luke, he has been getting crap from Illinois fans about how Boswell was going to be better compared to his time at Tucson, and when Boswell put up his worst efficiency numbers in his career, Luke showed the Illini fans the receipts. Of course, when Boswell has a great game, they come back at Luke, but this time, Boswell joined in. That’s when Mike Luke aired out Boswell’s dirty laundry. Luke has since deleted the tweet and apologized.
I’ve actually talked to Mike Luke on the phone before and while he’s a goofy, he’s actually a great dude. I do think he fixates on this and similar matters a bit too much, but most of it is a schtick. I think at this point, both Luke and Boswell need to stop talking about each other as the Law of Diminishing Returns on the Boswell smack is now in play.