Funny how people thought that Booty would make us forget Palmer and Leinart... uh, no - not hardly. When Leinhart was a Sophmore, he looked like Joe Montana compare to Booty. What gave USC the win was the decision by Pete Carroll to run the entire final drive... he ate up the clock and took the pressure off of Booty. BTW, good job motivating your club Koetter - they stepped up big, with penalties.
Does anyone else notice how Dirk just stands there and adjusts his headset - with a look of "crap, I don't know what I'm doing here... I wish I could leave" or at times "crap, this isn't happening, what am I going to do now?"
And, I don't care what ABC is smoking - I am not about to say that Rudy Carpenter had a great game - on the final drive, he couldn't get his linemen to settle down and not jump offside - and he ran across the line and threw the ball. He didn't have his head together - that is not a leader.
I am disgusted right now