Army hid truth about how Tillman was killed - Tillman Report (merged)


Dec 8, 2002
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ordinance 2257
Army hid truth about how Tillman was killed

New report details 'gross negligence'

Josh White
Washington Post
May. 4, 2005 12:00 AM

WASHINGTON - The first Army investigator who looked into the death of former Arizona Cardinals football player Pat Tillman in Afghanistan last year found within days that he was killed by his fellow Rangers in an act of "gross negligence," but Army officials decided not to inform Tillman's family or the public until weeks after a nationally televised memorial service.

A new Army report on the death shows that top Army officials, including the theater commander, Gen. John Abizaid, were told that Tillman's death was the result of friendly fire days before the service.

Soldiers on the scene said they were immediately sure Tillman was killed by a barrage of American bullets as he took shelter behind a large boulder during a twilight firefight along a narrow canyon road near the Pakistani border, according to nearly 2,000 pages of interview transcripts and reports obtained by the Washington Post.

The documents also show that officers made erroneous initial reports that Tillman was killed by enemy fire, destroyed critical evidence and initially concealed the truth from Tillman's brother, also an Army Ranger, who was near the attack on April 22, 2004, but did not witness it.

Brig. Gen. Gary Jones prepared the report in response to questions from Tillman's family and Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz.

In interviews with Jones, soldiers who were with Tillman when he died said they immediately reported that other Rangers, riding in a Humvee, emptied their weapons at his position on a hill without first identifying at whom they were shooting. Perceiving they were in a heated firefight, the soldiers rounded a corner and used several high-powered weapons to kill an Afghan Militia Force soldier working with the Rangers before pausing and turning their guns on Tillman. About 213 feet away, Tillman had been waving his arms and throwing a smoke grenade to signal his unit.

Jones reported that "some soldiers lost situational awareness to the point they had no idea where they were."

Tillman's death was a blow to the image of the Army and the special forces because of his storybook narrative. Tillman turned down a multimillion-dollar football contract with the Arizona Cardinals to enlist after the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. He and his brother joined the elite Army Rangers and deployed to Iraq and later Afghanistan, hunting the Taliban and al-Qaida through mountainous terrain.

Jones found that the operation was a routine "confirm or deny" trip to determine whether enemy combatants were in the town of Manah. Tillman's platoon had to split up because of a broken Humvee. His half went ahead toward the town. When the second half of the platoon followed through the canyon, it reportedly came under enemy fire. Tillman grabbed another Ranger and the Afghan soldier and got into position to lend fire support. When the second half of the platoon rounded a corner, they mistook the trio as foes.

In the documents, the soldiers who fired on Tillman cite many reasons for the confusion: The sun was going down and lighting conditions were bad; soldiers shot where they saw muzzle flashes but did not appropriately determine a target; they shot in the same direction as their team leader, assuming that he was firing at the enemy.

"I've replayed the events of that day and my actions in response to the events in my mind countless times. ... Given the same circumstances and having the same information I had, I would do the same thing," one soldier wrote in response to his punishment, which was getting kicked out of the Rangers. "I engaged men that I believed to be the enemy with the intent of killing them."

Another soldier wrote: "I wish that I would have taken a half-second to positively identify the targets instead of following another SOP (shoot where your team leader shoots). Maybe Cpl. Tillman would still be alive or maybe the outcome would still have been the same, but at least I wouldn't have to live with the guilt and re-experience that ambush while I sleep."

After the shooting, Tillman's brother was not informed about what had happened and was flown back to the United States with his brother's body.

Officers told the soldiers not to talk about the incident "to prevent rumors" and news reports.

The day after Tillman's death, his Ranger body armor was burned because it was covered in blood and was considered a "biohazard." His uniform was also burned. Jones noted that this amounted to the destruction of evidence.

Seven soldiers were given administrative reprimands for their actions, the most serious of which were for dereliction of duty and failing to exercise sound judgment and fire discipline in combat operations.


Mar 1, 2004
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This is all over the news today. Is this information we didnt know before?. It was a horrible mistake but I think the news is trying to make some "conspiracy" where there isn't one.

Have I missed something?


Registered User
Oct 1, 2002
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Portland, OR
I personally do not have a problem with the Army holding this information. Pat died in combat. Sometimes troops die in combat from friendly fire. It doesn't change who Pat Tillman is/was!


Jul 14, 2002
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Agreed. Absolute hero in my book. Looks like the media is trying to hype this thing. They'd do anything to undermine the military. Like maybe a lot of you, I am a former Army soldier. Friendly fire happens. It's infortunate that they can't let this be. Pat Tillman had special media attention because of the circumstances of him being a pro football player & doing the right thing. I would say that mileage is way past. It's time to show respect and consider the fact that war is dirty and that we seem to be the only ones palying by the rules. It's so easy to hide behind free speech in a news column and then question everything it takes to protect it. Woops! Gotta go before I say "You want me on that wall, You NEED me on that wall!!"



Not Always The Best Moderator
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Sep 14, 2002
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PortlandCardFan said:
I personally do not have a problem with the Army holding this information. Pat died in combat. Sometimes troops die in combat from friendly fire. It doesn't change who Pat Tillman is/was!

I don't mind that this information was held from the general public.

I do mind that the information was distorted from the general public and more importantly his family.

Saying that Pat Tillman died, details are not available at this time for security reasons is better than making up a story.


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Oct 1, 2002
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Portland, OR
Chris_Sanders said:
I don't mind that this information was held from the general public.

I do mind that the information was distorted from the general public and more importantly his family.

Saying that Pat Tillman died, details are not available at this time for security reasons is better than making up a story.

He died in combat.... details later.

IIRC it was a few months later we found out he died by Friendly fire. Think about what happened the first week the country new Pat died in combat. Right or wrong I think the army did what was best.

Does anyone know when Pat's family was given the correct info?

Also it is kinda of funny that the media believes Pats brother should have been informed within days maybe hours that Pat was killed by Friendly fire. You don't just go off willy nilly and say crap that you do not have all the info on. That is what investigations are for... to find the truth.

It also sounds like the Rangers that screwed up have been repremanded (probably not enough of a punishment).


Not Always The Best Moderator
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Sep 14, 2002
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Scottsdale, Az
PortlandCardFan said:
He died in combat.... details later.

IIRC it was a few months later we found out he died by Friendly fire. Think about what happened the first week the country new Pat died in combat. Right or wrong I think the army did what was best.

Does anyone know when Pat's family was given the correct info?

Also it is kinda of funny that the media believes Pats brother should have been informed within days maybe hours that Pat was killed by Friendly fire. You don't just go off willy nilly and say crap that you do not have all the info on. That is what investigations are for... to find the truth.

It also sounds like the Rangers that screwed up have been repremanded (probably not enough of a punishment).

Actually it was first reported that he died charging an enemy nest and saving many of his fellow soldiers. That is what I mean by distortion.

Of course to us no matter what his death is, we think Pat is the best. But now this whole thing will be politicized, which sucks.


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Oct 1, 2002
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Portland, OR
Chris_Sanders said:
Actually it was first reported that he died charging an enemy nest and saving many of his fellow soldiers. That is what I mean by distortion.

Of course to us no matter what his death is, we think Pat is the best. But now this whole thing will be politicized, which sucks.

Your right about the politicizing that is for sure.

That is why I said "It doesn't change who Pat is". I think as Americans if we remember what a class act Pat was we do not have to listen to the media's Bull Crap!!

john h

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Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
Hordispack said:
This is all over the news today. Is this information we didnt know before?. It was a horrible mistake but I think the news is trying to make some "conspiracy" where there isn't one.

Have I missed something?

In all wars men are killed by accident almost on a daily basis. Friendly fire is unavoidable in the conditions in which war occurs. Almost monthly we have mid air collisions of aircraft which in hindsight can always be second guessed. If the media is to examine how each and every death occurs nothing good can come from this. War is about death and destruction and it occurs from all directions. Pat Tillman was a hero no matter how he died. He volunteered to go to a dangerous place. Trying to pick out a target in poor lighting in a jet moving at 600 knots is no easy task and I am amazed we have as few friendly fire fatalities as we do. A soldier was killed in Arkansas last week in a live fire TRAINING EXERCISE. The military has exhaustive examinations of all accidents and we are trained as well as anyone in the world. The media just grabs hold of one story and want let go to the detriment of the troops and our country. In Vietnam we lost over 6000 helicopters. Probably 1/3 or more of them were accident related and if you wanted to pick each one to death you can blame the pilot, the Commander, Air Traffic Control, the battle plan, and a host of other people. One needs to see what it is like to engage in combat in the jungle or in a 1000 mph jet before passing out judgements.


Apr 16, 2004
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Govt lying? Oh say it aint so. We know that has never occurred. Gulf of Tonkin leaps to mind as a ducey.

So you are all in favor of a federal republic keeping secrets from its people that have nothing to do with maintaining national security? It seems to me when an elected government cant be trusted to tell the truth that the federal republic becomes a sham or a fake. A government by the people for the people and of the people in name only.
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Aug 10, 2004
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I think the Army should have been honest here. I don't think there is a conspiracy, but the Army painted a rosier picture of the situation to try and save face in the situation.

The family members--at the very least--should have been given the true account of Pat's death immeadiately!

I agree Army should have just said, "No, comment until more info is gathered."

The American Public can handle the truth we do not need to be fed story book endings.

Indeed, Pat remains a hero no matter what! It is the Army that has been left with egg on their face.

Being killed by friendly fire is an inevitable occurence in war (my grandfather's brother was runover by US tank in Korea) but The Army owed it to Pats family to level with them.


May 3, 2003
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Washington, DC
Gen. John Abizaid and that crowd attempted to use THEIR screwup as an enlistment vehicle. That's why they created the story about Pat's group charging some embankment when if fact HIS people questioned that operation. The second biggest story here is we now have names to attach to the coverup. The biggest story is that Pat Tillman had more class than the brass. MORE CLASS THAN THE BRASS!

az jam

Mar 6, 2004
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Scottsdale, AZ
We all grieved and paid our respects to Pat last year when he was killed. Let him rest in peace.


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Oct 1, 2002
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Portland, OR
Tashunca said:
Gen. John Abizaid and that crowd attempted to use THEIR screwup as an enlistment vehicle. That's why they created the story about Pat's group charging some embankment when if fact HIS people questioned that operation. The second biggest story here is we now have names to attach to the coverup. The biggest story is that Pat Tillman had more class than the brass. MORE CLASS THAN THE BRASS!


ASFN Addict
Sep 15, 2002
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Where's the article from a few weeks ago where President Bush says that the family is satisfied with the results of the investigation, and later it says that Tillman's dad is furious? That has something to do with this, I'd say.


ASFN Lifer
Jul 2, 2003
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Wonder if the President was aware of all of this when he paid tribute to Tillman on the jumbo-tron.


Registered User
Aug 10, 2004
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He really needed a Hero at that time and one fell in his lap.I believe he knew the truth and if we had know it at that time the Boos would have been a lot worse.

john h

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Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
LoyaltyisaCurse said:
I think the Army should have been honest here. I don't think there is a conspiracy, but the Army painted a rosier picture of the situation to try and save face in the situation.

The family members--at the very least--should have been given the true account of Pat's death immeadiately!

I agree Army should have just said, "No, comment until more info is gathered."

The American Public can handle the truth we do not need to be fed story book endings.

Indeed, Pat remains a hero no matter what! It is the Army that has been left with egg on their face.

Being killed by friendly fire is an inevitable occurence in war (my grandfather's brother was runover by US tank in Korea) but The Army owed it to Pats family to level with them.

When someone is killed in the field it may take weeks to figure out just what really happened. With a high profile soldier like Pat Tillman the media wants an answer yesterday and they will go to any length to get information which early on is usually sparse and wrong. In Vietnam there were 57,000 casualatiies. It is impossible to have a full scale investigation of each and every death and in many cases impossible to ever find out who shot who no matter how much you investigate. Pat Tillman remains a hero as do truck drivers who run off the road and are killed or other low profile guys and girls we will never read about. There were no draftees in our current war. They all chose to do what they are doing so God Bless them all.


Apr 16, 2004
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The fact is the Army new the truth and covered it up. It isnt like they did not know at the time. It was not some remote crash site with no survivors. The soldiers screwed up and shot their own. It happens but dont lie about it. They burned the evidence for gods sake. They knew at the time what they were doing. Do you ever hold the govt accountable for anything? You can love your country and still hold your govt accountable. They are not mutually exclusive.
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the medic
Jun 16, 2004
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BigRedMO said:
The fact is the Army new the truth and covered it up. It isnt like they did not know at the time. It was not some remote crash site with no survivors. The soldiers screwed up and shot their own. It happens but dont lie about it. They burned the evidence for gods sake. they knew at the time what they were doing. Do you ever hold the govt accountable for anything? You can love your country and still hold your govt accountable. They are not mutually exclusive.

Right on brother!

My feelings exactly. Thats the point- no doubt the soldiers messed up, this happens, and I do not damn them to hell for it. However, I will not tolerate someone telling me to forget about it, shut up, go away, etc. w/o some answers. Let alone, right out LIE to me. I'm a pretty big boy, I can handle facts. If you guys think everything the gov gives to you is the best most reliable answer, your nuts. I, for one, do like this country, and chose to live my life informed and able to think for myself! The way my colonial forefathers thought.... this belongs somewhere besides a football message board.

BTW- I am a vet, so spare me the rhetorical "you dont know" stuff.


Provocateur aka Wallyburger
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Nov 17, 2003
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BigRedMO said:
The fact is the Army new the truth and covered it up. It isnt like they did not know at the time. It was not some remote crash site with no survivors. The soldiers screwed up and shot their own. It happens but dont lie about it. They burned the evidence for gods sake. they knew at the time what they were doing. Do you ever hold the govt accountable for anything? You can love your country and still hold your govt accountable. They are not mutually exclusive.


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