The following question appeared on the official Cardinal website within the Boldin Q & A article.
Arizona Sports Fan message boards did a 22-page thread on you, basically giving you kudos from finding the cure for cancer to inventing electricity… I know you are modest but after being shifted (sic - shafted?) by draft experts, is it sort of nice to know you have gained that respect among fans?
While Q didn't directly indicate he had visited the site and checked out the thread, it is a feather in ASFN's cap to receive recognition.
Arizona Sports Fan message boards did a 22-page thread on you, basically giving you kudos from finding the cure for cancer to inventing electricity… I know you are modest but after being shifted (sic - shafted?) by draft experts, is it sort of nice to know you have gained that respect among fans?
While Q didn't directly indicate he had visited the site and checked out the thread, it is a feather in ASFN's cap to receive recognition.
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