ASFN Survivor league


Aug 19, 2005
Reaction score
The Valley of the Sun
I've taken the liberty of starting a Survivor league for ASFN members.

To join, go to:

Group number: 21850
Password: fitz

If you're not familiar with survivor leagues, each week you choose the winner of one game. If you get the game right, you move on to the next week. If your pick loses, you are eliminated. The catch is that once you pick a team, you can't pick that team the rest of the season. So it can lead to a lot of strategy. Do you save your Patriots or Colts pick for later in the season and risk elimination earlier? Do you pick the sure thing early, knowing that early in the season, there's no such thing as a sure thing. (For example, one survivor league I was in had half the people, including me, get eliminated in week 1 because they picked against the 49ers.)

Anyway, join fast, only open to the first 50 entrants. And the deadline for picks is Thursday just before kickoff.

EDIT: Two more things to add.

1) The winner is the last person remaining.

2) Unless Yahoo has changed the format, they allow ties. If there is a tie, we will continue this league here on the board.

What I mean by tie is this: Suppose that 50 people entered and by week 11, two people remain. One picks PIT over SD and the remaining guy picks GB over CHI. If both PIT and GB lose, Yahoo will declare a tie. Well, ties suck. If that were to happen here, I'd extend the league one more week and take the picks by PM (unless I'm one of the finalists, of course). If, in week 12, both picks win, go on. Keep going until there is only one winner.
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