ASU Football


An Army of One
May 10, 2003
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lat: 35.231 lon: -111.550
Man, Stanford is putting the wood to the Sun Devils. ASU has to be one of the biggest disappointments/under achievers of the year so far.

With the track record that ASU has with its coaches, Koetter will probably get a contract extension at the end of the year. :D


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
Day after Thanksgiving is going to suck again. These two programs both have a long way to go.

At least you ASU guys have basketball to look forward to... :D

Diamondback Jay

Psalms 23:1
Feb 28, 2004
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MaoTosiFanClub said:
Day after Thanksgiving is going to suck again. These two programs both have a long way to go.

At least you ASU guys have basketball to look forward to... :D

Losing to LSU is one thing.. The game was close and could have gone either way.

Blowing the lead at USC is slightly more stomachable than normal because it IS USC.

However, today's poopy performance against a garbage Stanford team that lost to UC- ****in'-Davis is beyond comprehension.

Dirk needs to go. This underachieving ******** sucks.


I see you.
Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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I have to say that I'm really not surprised they lost today. I felt it was 50/50 going into the game. But, man, they were down 45-7!!!!!!

I don't think I've ever seen an ASU team do such a severe nosedive in a season. In two-and-a-half games they've gone from having a great season to not even making a bowl. Losing out is far more likely than getting three more wins.

Anyone still think an extension for Koetter is still a good idea?

sly fly

Devil Me This
Jun 12, 2002
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N. Phx
Tom Osbourne should be fired first thing Monday. That new formation on punts is Pop Warner.

For Dirk Koetter even to hint that the problems were caused by his starting pnter is kind of scary. What the hell is Koetter's problem?

He questions why his team came out flat after a great week of practice. Well, don't you think the head coach should be responsble for making sure that doesn't happen? If he doesn't have an answer for that, then he needs to go asap.

Looking back, I'm shocked the ASU even competed with LSU and USC. No running game. Sure, Keegan Herring is going to be another JJ Arrington (college-wise), but you can't keep throwing out 175 lb. runnng backs week after week in the Pac-10. Much less if you expect to be a top-10 program. It doesn't help that Loren Wade is scratching calendars into a brick wall.

The defensive line/pass rush is non-existant. Kyle Caldwell has done nothing snce he's been here. Sure, he's had injuries. But, facts are facts.

Scary times for sure. It's amazing how close ASU was to being ranked #2 or #3 this year. They had LSU and USC up against the wall, and now that can't beat friggin UC-Davis.

Congratulations, ASU.

Treesquid PhD

Pardon my Engrish
Apr 12, 2005
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sly fly said:
Tom Osbourne should be fired first thing Monday. That new formation on punts is Pop Warner.

For Dirk Koetter even to hint that the problems were caused by his starting pnter is kind of scary. What the hell is Koetter's problem? well facts are facts and this punter does 1) hold the ball too long and 2) does kick a liner, I still think the spread punt formation is stupid, should be scrapped immediately and definately shows how stubborn Dirk is his biggest down fall as a coach IMO.

He questions why his team came out flat after a great week of practice. Well, don't you think the head coach should be responsble for making sure that doesn't happen? If he doesn't have an answer for that, then he needs to go asap. IMO Dirk gets to caught up in the details to recognize the feel of his team, I don't know how Dirk defines a great week of proactice but I am pretty sure it's very black and white to him...did X and Y happen the way I drew it to. He may have been failing to connect the dots again.

Looking back, I'm shocked the ASU even competed with LSU and USC. No running game. Sure, Keegan Herring is going to be another JJ Arrington (college-wise), but you can't keep throwing out 175 lb. runnng backs week after week in the Pac-10. Much less if you expect to be a top-10 program. It doesn't help that Loren Wade is scratching calendars into a brick wall.
18-21 years old kids will do that to you that's the beauty or nightmare of college football

The defensive line/pass rush is non-existant. Kyle Caldwell has done nothing snce he's been here. Sure, he's had injuries. But, facts are facts.

Caldwell is not the only problem here, they all suck and he sucks the least what about that two bit loser Talbot? What is he untouchable because he is a nice story that warms everyones belly?

Scary times for sure. It's amazing how close ASU was to being ranked #2 or #3 this year. They had LSU and USC up against the wall, and now that can't beat friggin UC-Davis.
Yep we suck

Congratulations, ASU.


Treesquid PhD

Pardon my Engrish
Apr 12, 2005
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ajcardfan said:
I have to say that I'm really not surprised they lost today. I felt it was 50/50 going into the game. But, man, they were down 45-7!!!!!!

I don't think I've ever seen an ASU team do such a severe nosedive in a season. In two-and-a-half games they've gone from having a great season to not even making a bowl. Losing out is far more likely than getting three more wins.

Anyone still think an extension for Koetter is still a good idea?

Undecided....Well we have not seen a Love hire yet there is no track record so im nervous.

average football unknown.


I see you.
Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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Treesquid said:
Undecided....Well we have not seen a Love hire yet there is no track record so im nervous.

average football unknown.

Good coaches are supposed to take advantage of bye weeks. Here's what happened:

1. The team is flat and gets smoked by a below-average Pac 10 team.

2. The backup QB openly questions the effort given in practice.

3. In his press conference, Dirk, amazingly, admits he is "at a loss" to explain the team's play. This rivals his statement after the bye week last year when he admitted that USC "surprised" them with their game plan.

4. We gave up 45 after the bye last year (admittedly to a much better team in USC) and scored only 7. This year we give up 45 again by the middle of the 3rd quarter!

It's not like the team has always played crappy under Koetter. But, it sure seems reasonable to question his ability to take the team to the BCS level.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
I think any talk of firing Koetter at this point is pure fantasy. ASU still has to fire Rob Evans in a few months and there's no way they can come up with the cash to buy them both out and replace them with adequate staffs with their budget.

Brian in Mesa

Advocatus Diaboli
Super Moderator
Supporting Member
May 13, 2002
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Killjoy Central
Way to go, Rudy (and Rudy) !! Cool: :thumbup:

Arizona St. 27, Washington St. 24

By JOHN K. WILEY, Associated Press Writer
November 5, 2005

PULLMAN, Wash. (AP) -- Rudy Carpenter threw two touchdown passes and Rudy Burgess threw another as Arizona State held off Washington State 27-24 on Saturday.

Carpenter threw for 381 yards as the Sun Devils (5-4, 3-3 Pac-10) rolled up 548 yards of offense. Last week, he threw for 401 yards and three TDs in a win over Washington in his first college start.

Burgess had a 43-yard scoring pass to Derek Hagan.

Washington State (3-6, 0-6) lost despite 506 yards of offense.

The Sun Devils built a 24-10 halftime lead after Carpenter threw a 10-yard scoring pass to Terry Richardson and a 5-yarder to Zach Miller.

Jesse Ainsworth hit field goals of 19 and 33 yards goal for the Sun Devils.

Jerome Harrison ran for 240 yards on 38 carries for Washington State, and scored on runs of 61 and 7 yards. Harrison tied the Pac-10 record of 12 consecutive 100 yard games, set last year by California's J.J. Arrington.

Alex Brink hit Jason Hill on a 49 yard pass play to bring the Cougars within a field goal with 3:32 remaining in the third quarter, but Washington State blew two opportunities to tie or go ahead in the fourth quarter.

Arizona State was offsides on a 25-yard Loren Langley field goal attempt, and WSU chose to take the penalty and try on a fourth-and-1 from the ASU 4. Harrison was tackled for a loss.

Later, after forcing ASU to punt, Brink was sacked for a 12-yard loss with 3:18 remaining and Langley's 52-yard attempt sailed wide right.

Langley hit a 40-yard attempt in the second period.


Future Ambulance Chaser
May 17, 2005
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Oklahoma City/Scottsdale
I will take the W, but there is no way we can consistantly give up 300 yards rushing the rest of the season, and expect to win each game. Rudy Carpenter is legit and he will make things happen if he remains calm and collected, but our defense needs to make plays and create some turnovers to keep us in the game. Line Rudy Burgess up at wide receiver and hand the ball off to Herring, our runningback of the future, and we shall see the fireworks. Go devils.