Smushdown! Take it like a fan!
If Whiz would have fed the bean- when I screamed FEED THE BEAN! We would be alot further ahead as a football team right now. As Beanie goes is the way the 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 Cardinals will go.
He has been handled poorly, He should have been named starter and never lost his confidence ever in first place. THT aint even half the half back Wells is. I'm not so sure Beanie would not excel at full back in a Jim Brown style offense..
It is not the amount of plays in your playbook- it is the amount of plays you execute well against the opponents will. Like Grimm in DC and many more examples.
Fitz as the first and only option is not working. As Vince Lombardi would tell you. There is not much different on the Niners this year? Juust a coach than prioritizes fundementally sound football and a lil college enthusiasm! Even Alex Smith looks ok
The Arizona Cardinals haven't exactly been lighting up the league this year, standing with a 1-4 record going into week 7. However, Cardinals RB Beanie Wells has played a huge role in their offense so far.
He has been handled poorly, He should have been named starter and never lost his confidence ever in first place. THT aint even half the half back Wells is. I'm not so sure Beanie would not excel at full back in a Jim Brown style offense..
It is not the amount of plays in your playbook- it is the amount of plays you execute well against the opponents will. Like Grimm in DC and many more examples.
Fitz as the first and only option is not working. As Vince Lombardi would tell you. There is not much different on the Niners this year? Juust a coach than prioritizes fundementally sound football and a lil college enthusiasm! Even Alex Smith looks ok
The Arizona Cardinals haven't exactly been lighting up the league this year, standing with a 1-4 record going into week 7. However, Cardinals RB Beanie Wells has played a huge role in their offense so far.