Don't like port fat? Weird.
Hey, looks like more people would give up beef. Interesting.
One word: BACON
Don't like port fat? Weird.
Hey, looks like more people would give up beef. Interesting.
Don't like port fat? Weird.
That's only because they haven't really perfected turkey bacon.Don't like port fat? Weird.
Hey, looks like more people would give up beef. Interesting.
It's tied, remember I voted incorrectly. It is really 10-10. Still surprising to me, but that is the power of bacon, for ya.
It's tied, remember I voted incorrectly. It is really 10-10. Still surprising to me, but that is the power of bacon, for ya.
Only in pork roasts.
Most true roasts, in terms of pork should be coming from the loin. The fat should render if cooked properly, and overall it should be much leaner. If youre using shoulder cuts for roasting, I could understand. There is more fat, more sinew in those cuts and they tend to take to braising better than roasting, a lower temp and longer time allowing for better breakdown of the gelatin and fat.