Housh is of course saying it's why we're always good on the first drive, it's exact opposite.
But I said this like 6-8 weeks ago after watching some video stuff on youtube that included Frank Sanders and another ex NFL player. Sanders was very clear, it was after the first Seattle loss he said I don't think Kliff ever figured out what Pete Carroll and Seattle was doing on defense they were playing wide so the middle was open but Kliff's offense is trying to spread you out and go wide so they never figured out the middle was wide open. And the few times Kyler tried to go to the middle Seattle got pressure up the middle because the interior OL is so bad and Kyler had to move and it took away the timing.
I mean when a bunch of ex NFL WR's and DB's, one of whom played for the Cards and clearly (Sanders) still follows the team, are all saying the same stuff I pay attention.