Big Brother 6

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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maddogkf said:
She is so hot. I only saw the first 2 shows of this & she is so smoking hot. I'd let her whip me, beat me, make me write bad checks:whip:

I didn't really think Rachel was hot, I still think Jen was the best looking one on the show even if she was a bit of a backstabber.

With April as HOH it gets interesting, she probably puts up Howie and Janelle and I'm guessing she picks James as her partner for the veto competition since he keeps winning them and she figures if he wins, then Howie and Janelle won't be pulled off. It could backfire if he were to win and use it since they can't put him up they'd have to put up one of their own, but I think they'd have the numbers to get one out anyways so it's in James interest to not use veto again if he wins again.

At this point I don't really care who does win, I just don't want Janelle or Howie to win.
Dback Jon

Dback Jon

Doing it My Way
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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South Scottsdale
Well, Maggie won the half-million over Ivette, 4-3. I was hoping Ivette would win, she was more deserving.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
Reaction score
swd1974 said:
I thought so too.

I guess I don't understand why people say Maggie wasn't a good player she didn't win competitions etc.

her partner was one of the stronger players in the game and he left much earlier, she was a huge target, and yet she lasted there until the end. That has to indicate she did something right?

It seems to happen every year in both Survivor and Big Brother though, someone gets to the finals and gets blasted for riding coat tails or something and I keep thinking if you're a better player than she is, how come you're on the jury?