

Apr 30, 2003
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this is a much better team than last year, but jm just doesnt get it. if green had started blake this year, the cards have at least one or two more wins. just my opinion.


Jun 10, 2002
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jtav10 said:
this is a much better team than last year, but jm just doesnt get it. if green had started blake this year, the cards have at least one or two more wins. just my opinion.

Blake looked just as bad last year. He started and the Cards were 2-5 just like this year. It's a Cardinal tradition to start the season 2-5 and end up either 5-11 or 4-12. Every once in a while they throw us a bone and finish 7-9.

But on the positive side we have a 50-50 chance of seeing the Cards win whenever we go to a game at Sun Devil.

john h

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Sep 24, 2002
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Little Rock
jtav10 said:
this is a much better team than last year, but jm just doesnt get it. if green had started blake this year, the cards have at least one or two more wins. just my opinion.

I agree with your opinion. I think we would have two more wins with Blake as starter all year. At some point Green is going to wake up and realize McCown is not the guy he thought he was. If we go through the entire season playing like we do now with McCown still in there then without a doubt we have a very serious head coaching problem.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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Duckjake said:
Blake looked just as bad last year. He started and the Cards were 2-5 just like this year. It's a Cardinal tradition to start the season 2-5 and end up either 5-11 or 4-12. Every once in a while they throw us a bone and finish 7-9.

But on the positive side we have a 50-50 chance of seeing the Cards win whenever we go to a game at Sun Devil.

But BLake did that with 2 rookie WR's, an OC who'd never held the job before and a coach who knew nothing about offense.

Josh has a rookie OC too in Wood, but this is not his offense it's Green's offense.

Blake was a bridge QB, the problem is we don't have the guy he was supposed to bridge us to. Green thought it was Josh, I think the bridge winds up near Pittsburgh unfortunately.


Our waiting is over!
Sep 2, 2002
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Somerset County, New Jersey
Duckjake said:
It's a Cardinal tradition to start the season 2-5 and end up either 5-11 or 4-12. Every once in a while they throw us a bone and finish 7-9.

Well said. Its not about if you are already a winning team or in the rebuilding stage, the Cardinals historically and consistantly start seasons by winning 2 or 3 of there first 8 games- year in and year out. Doesn't matter who the coaches are, who the starting QBs are, or in what city they are playing in. The question that eats away at me is when will this stop? I have followed this team from the St.Louis days and almost every year it has been same story. Us fans deserve better!

Go Cards/ America!


ASFN Lifer
May 14, 2002
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Russ Smith said:
But BLake did that with 2 rookie WR's, an OC who'd never held the job before and a coach who knew nothing about offense.

Josh has a rookie OC too in Wood, but this is not his offense it's Green's offense.

Blake was a bridge QB, the problem is we don't have the guy he was supposed to bridge us to. Green thought it was Josh, I think the bridge winds up near Pittsburgh unfortunately.

Well of course you do. You unceasingly remind everyone numerous times a day anymore. !!! Some of us got that a long time ago Russ.

Are you gonna stalk Josh like you have done with Jake?

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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Tangodnzr said:
Well of course you do. You unceasingly remind everyone numerous times a day anymore. !!! Some of us got that a long time ago Russ.

Are you gonna stalk Josh like you have done with Jake?

I kind of doubt he'll be starting somewhere next year so I can stalk him :)

The whole NFL is talking about Ben Roethlisberger, we could have had him, we passed because of Josh. That sucks IMHO.

If you look at this team the one part that Green hasn't really "tinkered" with is QB, he inserted Josh and save one benching in Atlanta(a team we got 3 points on and has allowed 84 in the last 2 games), he's left Josh in there. He's mixed up the OL, the RB's, the WR's, the coaching, the DL, the LB's the secondary the special teams.

if you know anything about Green's history, and we know you do, you know he's not going to just continue to watch Josh slowly sink. He's got to start making plays or he'll be out of there. You know that's Green's history.

And yes, I think Green HORRIBLY botched the QB situation from cutting Blake without giving him a chance to compete, to signing a backup he apparently has no faith in, having no faith in his starter to passing on a guy who is literally lighting up the NFL as a rookie right now.


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May 15, 2002
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Plymouth, UK
Russ Smith said:
The whole NFL is talking about Ben Roethlisberger, we could have had him, we passed because of Josh. That sucks IMHO.
But we did get larry, who isn't exactly chopped liver

Russ Smith said:
And yes, I think Green HORRIBLY botched the QB situation from cutting Blake without giving him a chance to compete, to signing a backup he apparently has no faith in, having no faith in his starter to passing on a guy who is literally lighting up the NFL as a rookie right now.
You don't know this, everything I have heard suggests Blake's nickname was Leon.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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nidan said:
But we did get larry, who isn't exactly chopped liver

You don't know this, everything I have heard suggests Blake's nickname was Leon.

I DO know it he cut the guy well before camp so he didn't give him a chance to compete for the job which is what I said.

I understand why he cut him, that's his decision, but he absolute didn't give him a chance to compete he cut him and annointed Josh the starter and it's quite clear Josh wasn't nearly as far along as Green felt he was.

He signed King and won't play him, again why sign a veteran backup if you don't think he can play?

That's what I'm talking about. Green made a series of decisions at QB that haven't worked.

Yes we have Fitz, and he WILL be good, but he is not a franchise QB and I would prefer that over a guy who's just going to increase the contract demands of Quan since Quan is clearly a better player.


Registered User
May 13, 2002
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Your Mamas
Tangodnzr said:
Are you gonna stalk Josh like you have done with Jake?
atleast he has not written a letter about being left in his prom dress by a professional QB. :rolleyes:


Apr 30, 2003
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if blake had stayed on as the backup to jm, he would have been a huge threat to him and would probably be starting a couple games ago. green missed the boat with josh.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
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May 14, 2002
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jtav10 said:
if blake had stayed on as the backup to jm, he would have been a huge threat to him and would probably be starting a couple games ago. green missed the boat with josh.

That's my opinion of why he cut him. Green decided josh was his starter, and he didn't think Blake would handle being the backup. he figured his ego would be a problem, he already said he wanted Josh to know he was the man because he felt he needed the confidence boost, so he replaced Blake with King, a guy with far less ego who wasn't going to rock the boat if Josh struggled.

There's no doubt in my mind that if Blake were here now, he'd either be starting, or telling reporters he should be starting, and that's why Green didn't want him. Again, Green is the coach, that's his right to decide, but if Josh doesn't get teh job done, Green is fair game.

I don't care that we cut Blake, but we basically replaced him with King and now Green won't play him and that just makes no sense to me.

Even Bledsoe said the wind yesterday was the worst he's seen it in Buffalo, nobody was going to have a huge game throwing the ball, but we're talking about 7 games not just one.


ASFN Lifer
May 14, 2002
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Russ Smith said:
If you look at this team the one part that Green hasn't really "tinkered" with is QB, he inserted Josh and save one benching in Atlanta(a team we got 3 points on and has allowed 84 in the last 2 games), he's left Josh in there. He's mixed up the OL, the RB's, the WR's, the coaching, the DL, the LB's the secondary the special teams.

Once again you appear k9ish in the underlying bias that peeks though your comments. You spin it in a way that seems to make it appear that those moves were done as a reaction to Josh's "mistakes". First of all he hasn't "mixed up" the RB's anymore than necessary other than having to find replacement for Shipp and Scobey. The OL stunk, I think any "normal" intelligent human being would surmise any mixing up there would primarily be simply an attempt to correct that. A poor OL line makes any QB seem less than they should be. As to the coaching, personally I see two entirely different "ballgames" there: the offense and the defense. Clancy Pendergast is saving his (Green's) bacon on the defensive side of the ball....which by the way has nothing to do with Josh. As to the mixing up the coaches on the offense, I'm not impressed one iota with any of his "mixing up" so far, in that respect. In fact, my gut feeling right now is that Wylie may have been one of his best choices....and apparently they don't see eye to eye.
Once again, all this has nothing really to do with "Josh" as such.

if you know anything about Green's history, and we know you do, you know he's not going to just continue to watch Josh slowly sink. He's got to start making plays or he'll be out of there. You know that's Green's history.

And what I've seen in the past, I would agree, and Green's history, as I pointed out on another thread, is that if things aren't looking good at the end of the year (or whenever) Green will find the first scapegoat he can to cover his own backside. He is really good at press conferences, etc. at commenting on how "we" (the coaches) made mistakes, but that "we" never really does seem to include "him". I also am beginning to think that Green's obsession, and I think it's exactly that, with his "system" over players is actually a detriment, because he tends to take it to too much extreme. I have always felt drafting Culpepper was a no brainer and that, in ways, he (and Randy Moss) prolonged Green's stay in Minnesota. Yes, Green's history does seem to be repeating itself. Some Assistant coaches (like Bob Wylie) who have established decent reputatioins before working for Green have alluded to "messes" Green has created with his "style", and are soon off somewhere else, either of their own volition or Denny's.
The main ones that stay, especially on offense, are simply the "puppets" who've never proven anthing anywhere else, but make no waves and dutifully dance to Denny's act.

And yes, I think Green HORRIBLY botched the QB situation from cutting Blake without giving him a chance to compete, to signing a backup he apparently has no faith in, having no faith in his starter to passing on a guy who is literally lighting up the NFL as a rookie right now.

Personally I have no problems at all with the decision to bring King in over Blake. To me their skills are quite similar. And I do think King better fits the backup role here. I'm not overly optomistic about any reference to King being anything more than that. But in that role, I think he probably is a much better choice than Blake would have been.
And as to "guessing" as to exactly why Green might not have any faith in anyone, you keep making yours and passing them off as if they are , indeed, fact, which I highly, highly questionable.
Last edited:


ASFN Addict
Oct 15, 2002
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Charleston, SC
Tangodnzr said:
Personally I have no problems at all with the decision to bring King in over Blake. To me their skills are quite similar. And I do think King better fits the backup role here. I'm not overly optomistic about any reference to King being anything more than that. But in that role, I think he probably is a much better choice than Blake would have been.
And as to "guessing" as to exactly why Green might not have any faith in anyone, you keep making yours and passing them off as if they are , indeed, fact, which I highly, highly questionable.

Is it me? Or does Tango write about this team as if they are 5 and 2 and not 2 and 5?

Im sorry but EVERYONE in the entire franchise is accountable for the crappy play. And guess what? When I see Roethlisberger tearing up the league and the formerly 21 game winning streak having Patriots, it makes me sick to my stomach.

This organization NEEDS to hear about our discontent, over and over and over again. Ive been a fan since 88, when they moved. I have since moved from Phoenix and the more they continue to suck, the further and further I get from them as a fan. And it hurts to admit that.

Im just absolutely flabbergasted by how bad this team can be, and for how long. Its unreal.


ASFN Lifer
May 14, 2002
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schutd said:
Is it me? Or does Tango write about this team as if they are 5 and 2 and not 2 and 5?
Huh? That's YOUR story and "twist"...somehow I get the feeling you either didn't really read what I posted or failed to comprehend my points...which, simply are a rebuttal to all this "blame it all on Josh" tack some continue to espouse. (plus the incessant "what we shoulda done with Ben" stuff. (That's over and done. get over it everyone.)
Im sorry but EVERYONE in the entire franchise is accountable for the crappy play. And guess what? When I see Roethlisberger tearing up the league and the formerly 21 game winning streak having Patriots, it makes me sick to my stomach.

This organization NEEDS to hear about our discontent, over and over and over again. Ive been a fan since 88, when they moved. I have since moved from Phoenix and the more they continue to suck, the further and further I get from them as a fan. And it hurts to admit that.

Im just absolutely flabbergasted by how bad this team can be, and for how long. Its unreal.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Tangodnzr said:
Personally I have no problems at all with the decision to bring King in over Blake. To me their skills are quite similar. And I do think King better fits the backup role here. I'm not overly optomistic about any reference to King being anything more than that. But in that role, I think he probably is a much better choice than Blake would have been.
And as to "guessing" as to exactly why Green might not have any faith in anyone, you keep making yours and passing them off as if they are , indeed, fact, which I highly, highly questionable.

King and Blake have one thing in common, black QB's. Blake is small and has a rocket arm, but we all saw he had problems last year. King has nothing like that kind of arm. Blake is cocky, King is not.

I'm all for another logical reason why Green keeps running the ball on 3rd and long if he has full confidence in his QB?

By mixing up the RB's I was referring to benching Shipp before the injury.

We agree on the coaches, I think it's obvious to anybody paying attention that Hargrave's consulting hasn't helped at all. So far Solomon and his secondary have been terrific, that's one "crony" that has paid off. I think a lot of that is due to getting Starks back, and getting Macklin, but I think it's clear that Solomon has done a nice job here and I'll readily admit that.

I'm not really sure where you get the idea I'm saying the tinkering elsewhere was because of Josh. What I'm saying is the only area of the offense that Green hasn't tinkered with is QB beyond his original decision. he's even switched FB's, but he decided Josh is the guy and he hasn't wavered.


Jan 9, 2003
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Scottsdale and one-eleven

Put down the QB man love.

Let me see if I'm hearing you now.

It's Denny's fault we didn't draft Roethlisberger, because since he had annointed McCown the starter, he had to get rid of Blake, because once McCown looked bad, Blake would have made waves about getting in the lineup, and challenged Denny's authority, so Denny got King because he wouldn't cause problems, and would be a "yes man."

Is that it?

We would NEVER have drafted Big Ben. No matter what the scenario was. We were taking Fitz if he was there, I still think Denny would have taken whoever Oakland didn't take, Gallery/Fitzgerald. I could still make a case that we SHOULD have taken Gallery if he was there. Big Ben was going to play at home in the rust belt, if he was here, he'd suck worse than Suggs would have sucked if HE was here.

The fact is, with all this talk about McCown, Blake, Roethlisberger, King, and Navarre, we would be best off if good ole Plummer was still here.


The problem
Oct 7, 2003
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Scottsdale, AZ
Lex said:
The fact is, with all this talk about McCown, Blake, Roethlisberger, King, and Navarre, we would be best off if good ole Plummer was still here.

The fact is only one of these guys is a franchise QB. The rest are NFL castoffs, has-been's, or never-were's.


ASFN Lifer
May 14, 2002
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Well, it looks like we are now starting to get a full quorum in the Monday Morning QB league, today. :D


ASFN Addict
Oct 15, 2002
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Charleston, SC
It was actually more of an overall assessment of reading posts from you for the past several years, and I just chose this thread and to a lesser extent this particular post to make note of it. Sorry you disagree. IM a quiet lurker on this board, and admittedly dont have the true geek-like knowledge of the game that most here do. But I still have my opinions.

To take the "Its over and done, move on" approach to critiquing this football team lets management and the coaching staff off the hook to easily. They NEED to reminded over and over and over again about squandered opportunities.

I hope RUss continues to harp on this and I will continue to agree. This missed opportunity in not drafting Roethlisberger is becoming more and more galringly apparent, and this team NEEDS to hear about it, and its our job as fans to remind them of such.

Sure we can also discuss what reality is but dont discount the power of reminding someone of their mistakes.

Granted, its the Cardinals and nothing has worked yet, but Green needs to be held accountable for annointing Josh, and passing on Ben.


Apr 30, 2003
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actually, blake has over 20,000 yards in passing and has had years of up to 28 tds and about 15 picks. the others dont come near his #s.

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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Lex said:

Put down the QB man love.

Let me see if I'm hearing you now.

It's Denny's fault we didn't draft Roethlisberger, because since he had annointed McCown the starter, he had to get rid of Blake, because once McCown looked bad, Blake would have made waves about getting in the lineup, and challenged Denny's authority, so Denny got King because he wouldn't cause problems, and would be a "yes man."

Is that it?

We would NEVER have drafted Big Ben. No matter what the scenario was. We were taking Fitz if he was there, I still think Denny would have taken whoever Oakland didn't take, Gallery/Fitzgerald. I could still make a case that we SHOULD have taken Gallery if he was there. Big Ben was going to play at home in the rust belt, if he was here, he'd suck worse than Suggs would have sucked if HE was here.

The fact is, with all this talk about McCown, Blake, Roethlisberger, King, and Navarre, we would be best off if good ole Plummer was still here.

Lex to recap.

I said after we hired Green that Blake would probably win the QB job if competing, he was still a bridge, but that of the QB's in the draft I preferred Ben.

It became apparent Green wasn't taking a QB, he cut Blake, annointed Josh and took Fitz. That was all interconnected, he wanted Fitz, knew that meant he couldn't take Ben, so he needed a new QB of the future, Josh has enough talent that he convinced all of us he was going to be that guy. Even I went from Josh is not an NFL QB to in Green's system he might be able to do it.

Green knew he needed a veteran, King fit the bill he makes no waves, Green openly said he felt Josh lacked confidence, he had to sign someone who wasn't going to use that against JOsh. Blake would, he's simply not going to be content for long unless the guy in front of him is playing really well.

FYI check out the bronco board, another week of who are we going to get at QB for next year? The bloom is off Jake's rose, 236 yards in the 4th quarter including 105 after his game sealing 3rd pick didn't impress the Bronco fans.

If Jake were here, Green would be replacing him too. He will get his career high in TD passes though.


Apr 30, 2003
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jtav10 said:
this is a much better team than last year, but jm just doesnt get it. if green had started blake this year, the cards have at least one or two more wins. just my opinion.


Blake sucked

Russ Smith

The Original Whizzinator
Supporting Member
May 14, 2002
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RugbyMuffin said:

Blake sucked

IN Sully's offense yes. In Greens' I think Blake would be capable, not going to set the NFL on fire mind you, but serviceable. He has the arm that Green likes, and he's confident.

He DOES have clear problems we all saw last year. At this point last year Blake had 7 td, 9 picks and then had back to back 2 TD 0 pick games, before collapsing starting with Cleveland. By this point last year people were already calling for Blake to be benched.