You'd think the owners and GM's would be all over any training methods that would allow them to get more out of their players. Heck, the league and the players union should be all over it, too. Even the agents have good reason(monetary) to take an interest. If the players were pets the humane society (and others) would raise a tremendous uproar about the (apparently) needless pain and suffering some of the current methods inflict.
I've never had anything good to say about the players union but this is a situation where they could do something to really help their members. The owners would rant and rave about losing control over their players but the players need to be able see someone about their health concerns that is not on the owners payroll. Of course, they like the rest of us should take control of their own medical destiny but thats very time consuming and who knows where to start.
At the very least the players union should counsel every player about their options for seeking non-team care and supply information about the kind of medical/rehab people they should look for, if not a list of the known available ones.
Ideally, the entire sports community would join forces and fund one or a number of institutions devoted to improving training, preventive training, rehabilitation and the related testing methodology. The institution(s) could have paying students who would graduate and become trainers etc. If subsidized to the tune of 100 million a year it would small potatoes compared to the wasted salaries teams currently pay and in time the ideas might trickle down to high schools and junior highs where the problems start. Who knows it might even spread to the general populus... I've got this hip thats been bothering me for years...