Originally posted by Jim Omohundro
Originally posted by ASUCHRIS
Just a thought Jim, I think you are a great guy, and appreciate all you do for the board, but I find the signature a bit patronizing. Try to forgive those who want to "mix it up" a little with the make up of the team. There are a lot of guys who were released that have had very good years.
Originally posted by Card Trader
I hope this was a joke.
People on here jump at EVERY person that was cut....EVERY person. So if it is patronizing to you then you must feel a little guilty about it. Just my opinion.
Originally posted by ASUCHRIS
Interesting take, although it's more from an observation standpoint, than for me. In some cases, yes it's ridiculous, but in many others, good players were cut, and people were clamoring to sign them. We chose not to. Looking at our 3-8 team, maybe it wouldn't have hurt to sign a few of those guys.
Originally posted by Card Trader
I think it's the "ridiculous" cases that make people make the kind of comments that are in Jim O's sig. Look, good people get cut, people that may improve your team, however not EVERYONE that is cut is better than what you have on the field.
People here, and not everyone, and not the same people everytime.....will comment on everyone that was cut and insist that we bring them in because they could help us in some way. It gets real old.
Originally posted by WizardOfAz
We should post a link on a Florida State board - does anyone know a good one?
Originally posted by WizardOfAz
We should post a link on a Florida State board - does anyone know a good one?
Originally posted by DeAnna
Hmmmm....interesting thread at FSU Rivals. Raised some (of my) eyebrows.
Apparently some people said he had an attitude problem last year and didn't come back for his senior year.
Originally posted by pinnacle
for some reason I vote and it no longer gives me the results ...what are current results? Thanks.