Is it just me or has our success made the offseason more boring than it ever has been? I feel like there is very little to discuss when it comes to our team.
I do not think that is the case. This is usually the time where all of football and particularly this board is extremely quiet.
I would also add that "message boards" are not exactly trending up as well.
But, no matter, this board is still pretty damn good, and it still a good place to get a lot of Cardinals news.
The end of July will be here before you know it, and with it will be heated debates about 4th string running backs, and who is going to be the right tackle next season.
Furthermore, I do not think there is less to talk about when it comes to the fact the team is great. At this point in the offseason your team pretty much is what it is.
I remember a few years back, that I knew our offensive line was going to be horrible in the month of March of that year. Unfortunately, I was right, and you know what? All the talk in the world wasn't going to change the fact they were going to suck. Yeah, it helped to talk about it on this message board to feel a little bit better about it, but still, they sucked.
Thus I see no difference, other than this current team has the potential to be good.
We need to start up the AP section again
Is it just me or has our success made the offseason more boring than it ever has been? I feel like there is very little to discuss when it comes to our team.
I certainly don't miss the days of holdouts and QB controversies
+1I certainly don't miss the days of holdouts and QB controversies
The hold out game really bugged me and I'm so glad they finally addressed it.
The QB discussions, Josh McCown, Kolb, Warner and Matt had so many threads and seemed to go on forever.
AP ?
BTW, Iceman, I am NOT knocking the board what so ever, just making and observation.
This place kicks butt, thanks for keeping it going.
thats probably what it is really, last season was full of what ifsThanks! Its fun to be a part of this anyways. You members are the reason it is going. The "AP" item I was referring to is the "Adrian Peterson Wants to be a Cardinal" thread from the offseason last year. It kept everyone on the site to see if there was anything new about him coming here
thats probably what it is really, last season was full of what ifs
normally around this time of year we are stressing over who will be the second free agent we sign..... or why are none of our draft picks under contract yet..... we can no longer spend the off season bemoaning how terrible we are going to be due to the lack of intellect or motivation in the front office (we really spent a lot of time on that before)....
IMO, finally being a legit contender has indeed made the off season just a bit more dull than it has been for the past few decades..... but we needed the break from all of that,...and it has made the season so much better...wins,...primetime games,...wins,...playoffs,...more wins....damn... it is a great time to be a Cardinal fan.
Is it just me or has our success made the offseason more boring than it ever has been?
lol!!Not to worry! Just for you, they changed ASFN.
I also think the off-season is so boring because we're all pretty much in agreement on almost everything with the team. Everyone is a little leery of our CB depth, RT depth and would love to see Freeney signed, sealed and delivered by now.... but with everyone in agreement about all those things, there's not much to talk about. Otherwise, we're seemingly as loaded as we've ever been.
The black uniforms need red numbers. Maybe a red helmet tooguess it is about time to start dragging out all of the old "Let's change the uniform" and "lets change the logo" threads...... those usually start some nice mischief