I was curious because it had been referred to casually as 'tennis elbow' - in fact, that is inflammation of the tendons attaching the extensors to the elbow (outer/side of joint). When the flexors, which are more medial/inner aspect are inflamed, it's GOLFER'S Elbow!!
Now having co-existed with a serious tennis player who developed bad Tennis elbow, and having had biceps tendinitis myself, this stuff can be unbelievably painful - like an icepick jammed into the joint or muscle at even minor movements. Rest, cortisone, and then careful stretching, strengthening, and warming up differently were effective for the tennis guy, but it finally took about 4-5 months of no aggravating motions at all to really let it heal and start from scratch.
Apparently in some cases (of medial/flexor stress especially) all sorts of nerve impingement (like carpal tunnel only its the ulnar nerve at the elbow) and tissue damage can develop and then it may require surgery, although not TJ - that's when the ulnar ligament ruptures and isn't directly related to this kind of strain normally.
I gather the chronic tendonitis was what Brandon Lyon went through prior to last year that was 'fixed' by surgically moving the ulnar nerve out of the way in 2004. So I guess in theory the nerve can't be trashed in the same way since it isn't 'there' now. But it seems like he'll be prone to this kind of chronic discomfort, doesn't it?