I did not laugh during Anchorman. I laughed very little during Animal House.
I find it hard to believe any of these movies are funnier than The Tramp. How many movies are so funny they transcend five generations? That would be a good mark for this list, and if you think like that, this list is radically different.
- Broadcast News is probably the most overrated movie of all time. Even Al Brooks has had better movies. MUCH better movies.
- Annie Hall is one of the most important movies of the 70s and Allen's landmark comedy. If Allen is important, this movie should rank WAY higher.
- I see a lot of movies on here that are only funny to producer-types who think binge drinking and scandalizing women = funny. I'm surprised Porky's didn't make it based on that criteria.
- Even the clever, witty movies in this group ranked too low. Waiting for Guffman was brilliant, as was This is Spinal Tap. Young Frankenstein and Bull Durham are two of what I would consider the best written comedies of all time. I would rank all of this MUCH, MUCH higher.
- Arthur? Really? Man, I resent the entire Dudley Moore era.