All this "whoa is me crap" is a bunch of bunk...
The reality is that to a large - very large degree, policemen/women do a very, very good job.
Start with the fact that theirs is an extremely tough, stressful and incredibly challenging occupation. One where each time they stop a car or enter some sort of fray, they don't know if they are about to lose their life. It's amazing how many here can't seem to fully grasp that concept.
Are there bad, moronic cops? Sure. But isn't that true in every walk of life??
I learned a very long time ago and in a not so nice way that whether you believe you are right or wrong, chances are you did something to bring about whatever the unfavorable reaction was from an officer... If any of you believe otherwise, you need to re-examine yourself.
I learned the value of doing everything I can to not put myself in situations that would cause an officer to want to look twice at me. That means driving the speed limit - always. That means NOT drinking and driving - ever. It means being aware of when a police car is next to me... If I'm on the road past midnight, I take even extra caution to ensure I do not warrant any additional curiousity from an officer...
I start with the basic understanding that they are in our lives to serve and protect me. And more often than not, I find that I am extremely thankful and grateful for having them around.
Now - go on with your "whoa is me", "I get singled out" sagas...