wow, somewhere on there they said since he did not play much last season, it caused his contract to be reduced by 11 million. (escalators not being met?)...and now this.
I'm glad he didn't kill himself, and he has a right to "have a life", but there are plenty of fun things to do which won't endanger your life or career.
Motorcycles is one of the most dangerous activities to take up. Went searching and found this
"There was also a marked jump in the motorcycle death rate, from 21 deaths per 100 million estimated vehicle miles traveled on motorcycles in 1997 to 33.4 deaths per 100 million miles in 2001 – an increase of more than 50%.
The NHTSA notes that passenger car riders have a death rate of 1.3 per 100 million miles, a fraction of the risk of motorcyclists." "
and this from....
"Motorcycle accidents are more likely to occur at night-with an increased number of fatal crashes occurring after dark as well (motorcycle accident statistics show that 60% of all fatalities happened at night)
Nearly half of all motorcycle operators involved in fatal crashes were speeding
Around 80% of all motorcycle accidents end in injury or death
Motorcycle operators involved in fatal crashes had higher intoxication rats than drivers of any other type of vehicle involved in a fatal accident
and finally....
"Motorcycle Fatalities Increasing: Read the October 2001full report "Fatal Single Vehicle Motorcycle Crashes" (DOT HS 809 360) from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA); a study recently conducted on motorcycle accidents and safety
Here's a summary of NHTSA DOT HS 809 360:
Single vehicle motorcycle crashes account for about 45 percent of all motorcyclist fatalities. More than 38,000 motorcyclists have died in single vehicle motorcycle crashes between 1975 and 1999. The report claims to provide data for insight into possible causes for these fatalities. According to the report, from 1990 through 1999, there were a total of 11,038 fatal single vehicle motorcycle crashes. During that same time period, there were an estimated 294,000 non-fatal single vehicle motorcycle crashes. Of these, an estimated 39,000 involved property damage only and 255,000 involved injuries. Motorcyclist fatalities in single vehicle motorcycle crashes decreased each year from 1990 to 1996, reaching a historic low of 937 in 1996 and again in 1997. In 1998, the fatalities increased to 1,042 (11.2 percent increase); in 1998 and in 1999 they increased to 1,140 (9.4 percent). The overall increase in motorcyclist fatalities from 1997 to 1999 was 203 (21.7 percent).
Report Conclusions: Findings from the FARS (Fatality Analysis Reporting System) data illustrate possible reasons for motorcyclist fatalities in single vehicle motorcycle crashes:
Helmet use among fatally injured motorcyclists below 50 percent
More motorcyclist fatalities are occurring on rural roads
High blood alcohol levels are a major problem among motorcycle operators
Half of the fatalities are related to negotiating a curve prior to the crash
Over 80 percent of the fatalities occur off roadway
Undivided roadways account for a majority of the fatalities
Almost two thirds of the fatalities were associated with speeding as an operator contributing factor in the crash
Almost 60 percent of motorcyclist fatalities occur at night
Collision with a fixed object is a significant factor in over half of the fatalities
Braking and steering maneuvers possibly contribute for almost 25 percent of the fatalities
More riders age 40 and over are getting killed
Almost one third of the fatally injured operators did not have a proper license
1998 Motorcycle Facts:
2,284 motorcyclists died and approximately 49,000 were injured in highway crashes in the United States.
Per mile traveled in 1998, a motorcyclist is approximately 16 times more likely to die in a crash than an automobile occupant. And 3x (times) as likely to be injured.
Head injury is a leading cause of death in motorcycle crashes.
In 1998, 46% of fatally injured motorcycle drivers were not wearing helmets at the time of the crash.
NHTSA estimates that motorcycle helmets reduce the likelihood of a fatality by 29% in a crash.
In 1998, 41% of all motorcycle drivers involved in fatal crashes were speeding.
Nearly one out of five motorcycle drivers (18%) involved in fatal crashes in 1998 was operating with an invalid license at the time of the collision.
Motorcycle drivers involved in fatal crashes in 1998 had higher intoxication rates than any other type of motor vehicle driver at 31%.
In 1998, 500 motorcyclists lives were saved due to helmet usage; 307 could have been saved. "
Kinda funny when you think of how sports stars will hold out for more $$$ when that amount could be in the tens to hundreds of thousands dollars range.. (and millions sometimes).
But then KW *could* have lost 11 million from last years leg injury, and then continues to endanger his career and his $$$$. Wow
If its worth it to hold out for more money...Isn't it worth it to make sure you get it by doing a few things which may 'limit' your lifestyle, like motorcycling????
I guess he didn't learn from his mistake. But even with his 11 wonderlic, I bet he will learn a lesson this time. This has to be the straw that broke the camel's back for him. It must suck to be a browns fan right now, so I'm glad I'm a card fan

(proceeds to knock on wood)