Jetstream Green
Kool Aid with a touch of vodka
I was thinking about Rob Moore when he was beating people deep for us and the Jets and realized that the guy really wasn't much of a burner. A matter of fact, I see a lot of a young Rob Moore in Bryant Johnson. It is hard to get notice when you play opposite of guys like Fitz and Boldin but how many times did Johnson make some great catches this year...more than once. How many times did Johnson beat his guy and McCown fail to deliever it on time or in the right place... more than once and once twice in one drive on two deep balls. I believe Johnson can be a vertical threat without having to be a super speed guy. It is scary, but all three of our WRs are young and they say the third year is usually when WRs break out. Keep Johnson, get a QB who can them the ball and teach McCown and Navarre and hopefully we will get a running back one way or the other this off season. What I'm trying to say is don't thinking about trading a kid who might be golden this coming season. Johnson really stepped it up given the situation.