Jetstream Green
Kool Aid with a touch of vodka
Not exactly, certainly not a majority of this board, but if that damn Monday Night game is pro Cowboy when your team is 1-1 to start the season, that is weak man. I do not give a rat's ass if this team looks shaky at best because hence you are a Cardinal fan (and the Cowboys looked just as mediocre against the Broncos which just might be Detroit AFC), and this is when they need their fans the most. The NFL is mediocre now, and the NFC even more... support Big Red and do not sell your tickets to a freaking bandwagon Cowboy punk because you do not want the stadium half empty when you are actually winning in the second half where Cowboy fan usually vacates with a 10 point differential during halftime, represent and if you think different you are a closet Cowboy fan