We shouldn't miss a beat. Floyd doesn't use his fingers that much.
I was just gonna ask if they got hit by a football or something.
We shouldn't miss a beat. Floyd doesn't use his fingers that much.
I've never heard of someone have surgery for just "dislocated fingers". Maybe because it's more than one?I've done & had no surgery.
I've never heard of someone have surgery for just "dislocated fingers". Maybe because it's more than one?I've done & had no surgery.
Ed Werder twitter:
"WR Michael Floyd required surgery because dislocated fingers broke through skin. Team believes he's out 3-5 weeks"
Now I see.
I did that too but mine was a compound fracture (broken) of the pinkie with the skin all the way down to the hand from the tip. I can tell you from experience...it's painful. I played 4 weeks later with the old Neumann gloves & a splint that kept the last 2 fingers together, though my pinkie still is kinda numb & haven't gotten 100% movement back 17 yrs later.
I personally think that having 3 wounded fingers will hinder his catching ability somewhat for at least 1/2 the year
I will be smudging the stadium during Fan Fest on Saturday.
All are welcome. BYO sage.
His bones were sticking out of skin was what I readI've never heard of someone have surgery for just "dislocated fingers". Maybe because it's more than one?I've done & had no surgery.