Cardinals Preseason Game #2: Quick Hits


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
*** Note: I can only comment on what I saw. Feel free to add in what I might have missed ***


In a nut shell, the offense looked average at best. The running game seemed to be great, and the passing attack look flat, and forced. I truly hope Whiz is calling plays based on the fact he wants to see certain players, in certain situations. Cause if that is not the case we got a small problem. 3 passing plays in row when inside the red zone after LSH's big return ??? Seriously, it cost us the Super Bowl last year, and it bothers me so see it again this year. At least TRY to run the ball once in the redzone. Since it is the preseason I will just write it off as Whiz wanting to see certain plays and players.

Kurt Warner:
He didn't look very good against the Chargers. You can make the excuse that he is effected by his injury, but he didn't play a good game. He didn't seem to be focused, he was innaccurate and it seemed he was forcing things. The pick he threw to Fitzgerald was awful, and the second worse throw was the "jump" ball to Fitzgerald that didn't have a change. I am not saying it is time to worry but Warner better use the Packer game to get his swagger back to where it was a week ago against Pittsburgh.

Matt Leinart:
Matt Leinart is our back up QB. If he is not #2, on the depth chart then there is something wrong. He did what he is supposed to do against the Chargers 3rd and 4th team, and he picked them apart. He looked calm, cool, collected, and very accurate. His arm, and his passes look so much better this year.

Brian St.Pierre:
Sorry, I don't see it. Why does it seem that some long excuse needs to be put into place to justify why BSP is struggling. Again BSP looked overwhelmed, and seem to lose his cool out on the field. Not to mention he had some bad passes, and a horrible INT in the endzone. This game was BSP's shot at winning the backup QB spot, and he didn't answer the call. It wasn't all bad, he had some nice throws, but he is losing the competition to Leinart.

Tyler Palko:
DNP. Kinda screwed up he doesn't get a shot to play and compete. I think Palko should be allowed to compete against BSP for a roster spot.


Chris Wells: DNP, Injured ankle.

Tim Hightower:
You just cannot really comment on something until you see it with your own eyes. WOW! I mean WOW! I remember the comparisons to Marion Barber but tonight was the first time Hightower looked like Mariob Barber. Hightower must run with this kind of confidence and determination at all times. Not to mention I must agree with Holian, that the stretch plays were very effective last night. Tim looked awesome in this game. My only comment is that we still need another back (which might be Wells, but we don't know at this point). It has been said before, I agree more than ever, that Hightower runs better when he has a goal. When he has to make a first down, or when he smells the endzone. He seems to "lose motivation" for lack of a better term when it is 1st and 10 from the 20 going out. But, don't get me wrong Hightower is solidifying himself as a key player in our backfield.

Jason Wright:
Wright had a solid game, but he is going to have to show more on special teams for me to think he has a roster spot. As a returner and running back he is awful. Bad vision, slow, lack of quickness, and no instincts that I can see. Not to mention he is supposed to be a good blocker and whiffed on a block and almost killed BSP. He had a nice catch, but that is about it.

LaRod Stephens-Howling:
The Cardinals would be making a huge mistake cutting this guy. All LSH lacks is top speed. His acceleration and quicknes are what gets him out in the open, but he lacks the top speed to out run everyone else. On kickoffs he obviously was awesome in this game. But, it didn't end there, he was good on blitz pickups, and had a very nice run between the tackles. This kid should have a roster sport already, and now should be competing for the 3rd spot in the depth chart. LSH is a steal as of right now, and seems to have a knack for producing a big play.

Chris Vincent:
Positives - He looks like Eddie George when he runs. He is bigger than you would think, and has a nice burst.
Negatives - You cannot put the rock on the ground when you are fighting for a job.

Dan Kreider:
Had a nice catch and run in this game, and his blocking was good as always.

Reagan Maui'a:
Hopefully this kid makes it to the practice squad. He had a few solid blocks, but seems a little lost out there at times.

Tim Castille:
Had a nice catch out of the backfield. I really didn't see him do to much besides that.

Wide Reciever #1:
Larry Fitzgerald:
He did all he could to try and catch the pass that was INT by the Charges in the red zone. Fitzgerald didn't have a catch in this game. Quetin Jammer did a good job with staying on Fitzgerald. Not to worry. Fitz is Fitz and this is just the preseason.

Jerheme Urban;
Alright. Myself and Mr. Urban are at an impasse'. I have ripped into this guy many, many times. But you cannot deny the talent that Urban has become. He is better at catching in traffic, his confidence is up, and he is probably the best 4th WR in the NFL. Urban is not ony a very solid WR, but he is a great football player. He is always around the ball, and on special teams he is a key player. Urban is one of the veterans that the Carinals currently have, that make the Cardinals a good team. What complaints can you have about a 6 year vet that has worked his butt off to become a big factor for this team. Urban deserves a kudos, and respect for the quality that he gives this organization out on the field.

Sean Morey:
I hate to say it, but for the second time in his career, Morey might be an All-Pro special teams guy, and be cut the next year. In years past Morey was the special team's ace, the guy who can block punts, the guy who can tackle on special teams, and just an all around competitor. But, those roles can be filled by others. DRC can block punts, we have a slew of good special teams tacklers, and lots of good competitors. Holding a spot for Morey, who had his moments in this game, will be tough.

Lance Long:
It is hard to watch Long play, because anything he does doesn't matter. Any way you cut it, this guy doesn't make the final 53. He will be in KC before he makes our practice squad. Even if we keep six wide receivers it would only be for special teams purposes, and Long is not that great when it comes to special teams. As for the game, he looked very good. Had a nice jumping catch in traffic, and some good plays to move the chains.

Michael Ray Garvin: DNP, injured.

Wide Reciever #1:
Anquan Boldin
He looked real good in this game. If Warner was a little more on his game tonight Boldin could have put up even better numbers than he did. He looked quick, and strong when running with the ball. His new focus is a good thing, but it looks as if he almost has to re-learn how to play the game at high speed. Once he gets in sync with Warner he is going to be scary this year.

Steve Breaston: - DNP, injured.

Early Doucet:
Had a nice catch, and took a viscious hit. Like everyone else, it was good to see him pop back up after the hit, and see that his shoulder is ready to go. It would be a mistake to cut Doucet. He has great skill and natural gifts. The injury bug has ruined his oppourtunities to make an impact, but I think that it is not an issue of if, but when, in regards to Doucet "breaking out".

Onrea Jones:
Didn't see to much of Jones in this game.

Edward Gant:
Didn't see to much of Jones in this game.

Steve Sanders
Didn't see to much of Jones in this game.

Tight End:
Anthony Becht:
He looked fine to me in this game. He didn't play until the second half. He lived up to his billing in this game, and locked down his man in each blocking situation that was presented before him. It seems to me the Cardinals have found the blocking TE that they have needed for some time. He is a pretty big guy for a TE.

Ben Patrick:
It is hard to get excited about Ben Patrick. While he shows flashes of great talent catching the ball, and an improved ability in the blocking game, he then frustrates you be being out of sync on a timing play. Patrick needs time and reps to gell with the offense, but he cannot do that when constantly injured or suspended.

Stephen Spach:
DNP, still injured? Or maybe he did play and I didn't see him out there.

Leonard Pope:
Pope reminds me of a 6'8" version of Freddie Jones. It is like he has cement in his shoes or something. He has the physical gifts to be a threat in the passing game, but he lacks the coordination to use said gifts. He had another nice catch in this game, and played par for the course when it comes to Leonard Pope. He just doesn't seem to be improving as a player.

Dominique Byrd:
It was a quiet night for Byrd, he played solid, and had a nice fumble recovery. He is still in the runnig for a roster spot.

Left Offensive Tackle:
Mike Gandy:
Played solid, and did nothing to draw attention to himself. Hightower did pretty well running to the left side of the line.

Herman Johnson:
Showed the same abilties that got you excited about him in the game against the Steelers. Yet, showed that mentally he is still a rookie.

Left Guard:
Reggie Wells:
Solid performance. Hightower did pretty well running to the left side of the line.

Elton Brown:
Didn't notice too much with Brown in this game.

Trevor Canfield:
Didn't even see if Canfield saw the field in this game.

Lyle Sendlein:
Solid game

Ben Claxton
Didn't notice too much with Claxton in this game.

Melvin Fowler
Didn't notice too much with Fowler in this game.

Right Guard:
Duece Lutui:
Solid game.

Brandon Keith:
Unlike the Steelers game, I forgot to watch Keith when he was out there last night. :bang:

Carlton Medder:
Didn't notice too much with Medder in this game.

Right Offensive Tackle:
Levi Brown:
Brown had two stupid penalties, and a another whiff block on a sack. Brown's footwork is in fact, atrocious. He is a very frustrating case to watch, this is supposed to be a break out season for him, and he is still yet to play like a 3rd rounder, let alone a 1st.

Oliver Ross:
Why ? Seriously, Why ?

Brandon Pearce
Didn't notice too much with Pearce in this game.


Bill Davis is so aggresive that it is not even funny. I don't know how effective his philosophy is going to be, but at least we know he is not going to let the QB just sit back an pick apart our team passing the ball. He brings the heat regardless of the situation and who is on the field.

Nose Tackle (NT in 4-3):
Bryan Robinson:
In his 13th season, he looks GREAT! Bryan Robinson's sack was great to watch, and hopefully it is a sign that he is comfortable with being a starter this year. If you remember Robinson was brought in to play "a couple of snaps a game", and now is our starter. It seems, unlike last offseason, he came in knowing he will be the starter, and has his body ready (as it can be) to take on more of a role. He may not have the power, but his technique, experience, and discipline go a long way. He is one of those veterans that we are lucky to have. BTW, that sack wasn't the only play he made, he looked stout against the run as well.

Gabe Watson:
Something about Watson doesn't look right. He played decent in this game, but looked.....weak. He is not getting the push we need from him, and he doesn't seem to be very quick off the ball. This knee cap injury seems to be lingering, and may have started to affect him mentally. He needs to get back into pre-injury form.

Alan Branch:
How can some one so big get put on his butt so much ? Branch played as well as Rodney Leslie last night, and was pancaked more than once. I see no improvement from the Steelers game.

Right Defensive End (RDE in 4-3)
Calais Campbell:
Wow! His sack was very impressive. Very, very few guys in the NFL can pull off that move. The guard that was trying to block Campbell literally never laid a hand on him. Once Campbell gets his arms extended his opponent has no chance. Campbell is going to be something special. He also had a nasty hit on a running play.

Kellen Dykes:
DNP, injured

Rodney Leisle:
Had a few tackles, and played solid.

Left Defensive End (UT in 4-3):
Darnell Dockett:
I had to rewind my DVR, cause I blinked and missed his sack. He is so quick off the line that it is almost unfair. He played a good, solid game, and seems to be in mid-season form.

Kenny Iwebema:
Kenny played a good game, especially on special teams. His value as an DL backup and special teams player makes him a lock for the final 53, and valuable player.

Alex Field:
Didn't notice too much with Field in this game.

Left Outside Linebacker (RDE in 4-3):
Clark Haggans:
Clark Haggans is in the exact same position as Bryan Robinson. Last year he was brought in to play a couple snaps here and there, and to help with depth. Since the Super Bowl ended Haggans has been in the wieght room working out. It is documented in Urban's blogs. No matter what, Haggans was always in the wieght room. I think our coaches told him early in the offseason that he was going to be the starting OLB, and Haggans has taken this to heart, perpared his body and is ready to play. I expect Haggans to hold his own at the OLB position this year. He is ready to take on the challenge.

Victor Hobson:
Had a nice strong tackle in the redzone. I kept an eye on Hobson because of his expanded role on the team. If he can contribute like some of the other vets we have on this team, we should be in good shape. Now that his role has been officially put in stone, I am interested in seeing his effort against Green Bay.

Will Davis:
This kid will contribute to this team, this year. Bank on it. He has the drive, power, quickness, and instincts to play in this league. With that in mind I expect him to hit the rookie wall and fade out at the end of the year. But he had some good pressure, and plays in general in this game. Not to mention he can play special teams.

Right Outside Linebacker (OLB in 4-3):
Chike Okeafor:
You are going to get what you are going to get from Chike Okeafor. He is an older vet with a bad back, and plays like it. He was late getting to the outside on one play, and lost containment on a big gain running play. For the game he looked OK, and should have another solid season. Again the age is the major factor here, along with his back.

Bertrand Berry:
I saw a little bit of Berry in this game, played OK.

David Holloway:
DNP, just got signed yesterday.

Cody Brown DNP,
Injured and on his way to IR.

Strong Inside Linebacker (MLB in 4-3):
Gerald Hayes:
Looked pretty good in this game.

Pago Togafau:
Pago played very well in this game. He was around the ball a lot, showed a lot of energy, and played at a maximum effort. He is making a case for himself to stay with this organization in one way or another. He played well enough in this game to make me want to keep him around.

Chase Bullock:
Well, after an OK first game against the Steelers, he looked lost in this game. He still has good tools but he has to use them. His best competition Reggie Walker had a great game so the competition is on for a spot with the organization.

Weak Inside Linebacker (OLB in 4-3):
Karlos Dansby:
WOW! What speed and quickness on his sack. River never had a chance, cause Karlos closed so quickly. Not to mention Dansby was all over the field, and disrupting a lot of what the Chargers were trying to do out there. He is poised to have a huge season.

Ali Highsmith
DNP, injured.

Reggie Walker:
Thank you Mr. Walker, for making me look dumber and more clueless than I already am. When you make a "5 first cuts" post before watching the 2nd preseason game you set yourself up for stuff like this. Walker had a great game against the Chargers. Made so big stops in pressure situations, played well on special teams, and showed some toughness playing between the tackles. He made a case for himself to make the final 53 or practice squad. Between Walker, Pago, and Bullock we are going to be OK at ILB.

Left Cornerback:
Domonique Rogers-Cromartie:
Looked fine in this game, but no one throws in his direction anyway.

Michael Adams:
This kid plays with intensity and really only gets beat when teams throw over his head. Not really his fault, he can only do so much about a jump ball when he is all of 5'7". Had a solid game.

Greg Toler:
I didn't see too much from Toler in this game, and the call against him on the late hit was B.S.

Jameel Dowling:
Didn't see too much from Dowling this game.

Right Cornerback:
Bryant McFadden:
DNP, Inj.

Ralph Brown:
He looked horrible out there as a starter. Keep him on the inside in nickel and dime situation cause he can't go one on one with anyone anymore.

Wilrey Fontenot:
Had a horrible game. Two pass interference penalties, and got beat constantly on other plays. He could be gone as soon as next week.

Free Safety:
Antrell Rolle:
Seemed to have a miscommunication on the big pass play that started the game off. His physical abilities are there, but he is still learning the safety position. He still makes me nervous at times at FS, but the Cardinals will put him in places where his skills are suited. That being said his inabilty to be stable at the FS position should allow for him to be "expendable" as a punt returner. He looked a lot more comfortable catching punts, and we know he is dangerous when he has the ball in his hands, with space. I am warming up to putting Rolle out there as the punt returner.

Matt Ware:
IMO, player of the game. He has a great game. He had a couple good tackles on special teams. He had a great play against the run from the safety position, and was good in pass protection. He will be a tough guy to let go of after watching his performance in this game.

Rashad Johnson:
Man, did I feel bad for Johnson when he dropped that gimme of a pick. Johnson is this year's Calias Campbell. His skill will start to show up once he stops having to think about what he needs to do, and just reacts to the situation around him. He was always around the ball when on the field, and you can see him getting better after each player. This game got me excited about this kid and what he will be able to do in the future.

Strong Safety:
Adrian Wilson:
The beast is ready for the season.

Aaron Fransisco

I didn't see too much out of Fransisco in this game.

Keith Lewis

I didn't even see Lewis on the field for this game.

Special Teams:

Neil Rackers:
Looked fine, and had a nice tackle

Ben Graham:
Looked fine

Mike Leach:
Looked fine snapping the ball, and is such an upgrade over Nathan Hodel it is almost not even funny. Had another impressive tackle in a punt situation.
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ASFN Addict
Mar 24, 2004
Reaction score
I thought Branch had a very good game against the Chargers, especially when the Chargers were close to their own redzone in... third quarter (I'm fuzzy).

Keith and Johnson looked OK. Had a lot of trouble with overloads on their side, a little trouble with stunts. I still think Keith showed all-world ability at tackle, but isn't totally cozy at guard.


Kangol Hat Aficionado
Feb 23, 2004
Reaction score
Can you really call this "Quick Hits" considering its been a full 4 days since the game actually happened. :mulli:

Arizona's Finest

Your My Favorite Mistake
Jun 11, 2005
Reaction score
Rugby if you are watching the replay on NFLN you don't have to wait till Wednesday.

Both last week and this upcoming week the game will be played as soon as the original broadcast is over. It was late here on the East but thats what TIVO is for my man....:thumbup:


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Can you really call this "Quick Hits" considering its been a full 4 days since the game actually happened. :mulli:

That was in regards to: Quick Hits = short blurb on each player.

As for the game. Some of us don't live in AZ, and have to wait until midnight on Tuesday night to record the game, and watch it when I get home from work on Wednesday.

You big meany. :D


Apr 30, 2003
Reaction score
Rugby if you are watching the replay on NFLN you don't have to wait till Wednesday.

Both last week and this upcoming week the game will be played as soon as the original broadcast is over. It was late here on the East but thats what TIVO is for my man....:thumbup:

If it was played on Saturday night then I missed it because I forgot to set my DVR. Yes, I know the blasphemy of it all.

The next re-run was Tuesday night.


Kangol Hat Aficionado
Feb 23, 2004
Reaction score
As for the game. Some of us don't live in AZ, and have to wait until midnight on Tuesday night to record the game, and watch it when I get home from work on Wednesday.



Jun 10, 2002
Reaction score
Alright. Myself and Mr. Urban are at an impasse'. I have ripped into this guy many, many times. But you cannot deny the talent that Urban has become. He is better at catching in traffic, his confidence is up, and he is probably the best 4th WR in the NFL. Urban is not ony a very solid WR, but he is a great football player. He is always around the ball, and on special teams he is a key player. Urban is one of the veterans that the Carinals currently have, that make the Cardinals a good team. What complaints can you have about a 6 year vet that has worked his butt off to become a big factor for this team. Urban deserves a kudos, and respect for the quality that he gives this organization out on the field.

His improvement in catching the football has been impressive. The guy was open in the past but had trouble making clean catches. Haven't seen that lately.

On the Defense it will be interesting to see how offenses try to block our front 3. Early on the Chargers left CC one on one and he ate 'em up. Then they went to double team him and our NT was disrupting plays. I think that like Garthshort said in the pass rush thread offenses are going to have to use 5 to block 3 and our outside players are going to have a field day on Sunday's.
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