Yeah it seemed like the fans in attendance and most of the players wanted Joan to win. I was quite surprised and to be honest I was disappointed with Trump I think he picked a friend over a better player.
First off, anybody who watched the finale knows that Annie was telling the truth in the taped boardroom and Joan was not only lying through her teeth, she was acting disgusted and accusing Annie of lying when she herself was lying. Joan went over the designers head and asked him to work with one of her friends, he quit on the phone. The next day Annie's designer refused to take her phone calls so she went there in person and was informed they had quit the show(the 2 designers worked for the same company). joan's designer was the owner of the company. the discussion was off camera but it was very clearly true that Joan's behavior caused both teams not to have a designer.
Trump persisted in the boardroom criticizing Annie for saying that as if she was lying, when he KNEW she wasn't. I thought she should have figured out he didn't care and dropped it, but I thought he was clearly favoring Joan because they're friends, and probably because she's older, she seems to be able to get away with more because as her daughter kept saying "she's 75 I can't control her."
So Joan won 3 of the 5 events, but 2 of them were DIRECTLY impacted by them not having a designer, which was entirely Joan's fault. And in the key part IMHO, fundraising, Annie beat her 3 to 1, 468K to 150K. In fact even wtih the 250K grand prize added in for joan, Annie still raised more money for her charity.
I would have declared Annie the winner, although I guess it worked out fair in that both charities got close to a half million bucks.
What really got me was at the end Trump very clearly admitted that Annie was telling the truth and Joan was lying but then she continued to act like she didn't lie, and Trump actually said "but isn't that smart game playing?" Joan made such a big deal about integrity in the show but she lied the whole finale. I admit I had a bias against Joan from early on because it was unfair that she and her daughter were both there, they had a built in advantage because they were a team the whole show, even when they were on opposite sides.
I guess Kardashian and Natalie Gulbis couldn't make the final. I also wonder do you think NBC told Tom Green and Clint Black not to help out and to be difficult in the last part or is that really just their nature? It almost seemed staged wtih Green talking to the camera and then trying to piss off Annie over and over.