"Bulls operations chief John Paxson couldn't fire his entire roster Monday, so he relieved coach Bill Cartwright of his duties and warned the players things were about to get tougher. It's believed that toughness will take the shape of Scott Skiles, expected to be named the Bulls' next coach at a news conference Friday. A deal had not been reached as of Monday night, according to a team insider, but both sides were working toward an agreement."
even the players aren't excited:
"According to his former players, he left a lot to be desired in the personal way he related to players. It was widely reported that he rubbed the likes of Jason Kidd, Shawn Marion and Rodney Rogers the wrong way. Players tuned him out, Kidd was traded and Skiles quit, claiming he was too mentally and emotionally drained to coach anymore. "I'm shocked that the Bulls would be hiring a guy like Scott to replace Bill,'' said one player, speaking under the condition of anonymity. "Cartwright was a good defensive center. If he could not reach Eddy Curry and Tyson Chandler and make them better low-post players, how do they expect Skiles to do so? He never had a track record of doing anything like that. If those players wouldn't tune Bill in, they certainly aren't going to tune Scott in."