No, you're right... In order for me to be right, every player needs to have been injured or gotten pushed off the LOS.
For you to be right , you would have proof that Chike injury was due to Lott's incompetence and Whiz "soft" camp. What I read was a opinon that was "lost" without any logical basis.
You don't even know the extent of the injury or what kind of injury it is, or how it occured. He could have got his arm trapped in a pile; do you have some medical basis for linking this type of injury with poor conditioning and soft training camps?
When I was visiting up at Flag, the team looked in great shape; quotes from all the players about the great off-season conditioning program, the superior attendence (near 100%), etc. There have been several articles about Chike and his dedication to his body; conditioning and nutrition.
I could go on like this all day...