Just to hose down the excitement -- If the issue was not simply losing 5-20 years off your life, but being brain damaged the whole time as well, do we still have a parade of willing idiots ready to light up?
If your life will be over much sooner, AND you are like someone suffering from very early Alzheimer's all that time? Apathetic, irritable, forgetful and terribly absent-minded, suspicious, unable to handle a lot of environmental stimulation (crowded malls, parties, etc.) and probably unable to make or maintain close adult relationships? Let's throw in just one of the following: extreme sensitivity to bright light, OR either poor hearing or hypersensitivity to noise, OR chronic pain.
Really ready to sign up for that?
I hear you AZZenny. I believe this all should give us pause. Nobody wants to admit it, but I will. If you have played the game, you would know that it just gets faster and faster. Some of it may be the aging process, but I believe a lot of it is evolution. I played up until 4 months ago (tore my knee up) and am 34 1/2 years old. I consider going back out too, thats how much brain damage I have....
Hey, this game is a whole lot of fun; it is the greatest team sport ever created, imho. The amount of work, the pain, the hours, the adversity, the triumph... If you haven't played a day past high school, you have no idea what I am talking about. I didnt go to college, I started playing semi pro ball some years after, and played with a lot of dudes who were a couple of steps away at times (from doing it/making money). I play(ed), coach, and spectate this game to what comes out as 24/7/365. I am considering if I want my son to continue in this game. He is only 8 years old and I must make that decision for him...
At 20-24 or whatever years old, I don't know if you are capable of making the right decision for yourself either. I think of life a hell of a lot different at 34 than I did at 22..... I am not saying the game of football should be banned, I am just saying we should do everything we can to make the game as safe as it can be, and if doctors say guys should sit for a few weeks, than sit their ass down and hear nothing more. It's not a battle field, it is a football field.
Going back to your question AZZenny, would I sacrifice all those aspects of my life for a CHANCE at a paycheck? EFF NO!
I love this game with a passion, and it has done so much for my life in ways only I know of. However, I believe there is a lot of truth to what they are finding today.