Dragic has been bad over the last 10 or so games, looks like he is regressing.
On a team that is dysfunctionally staffed, even your decent players are going to regress. Especially at the Point Guard and Center positions.
The sum of the (negative) whole is greater than the total of its individual parts. And our individual parts are pretty bad.
A Point Guard who must be saying to himself every 4th quarter as he's putting his heart into it, "What's the use?"
And a Center who has obviously given up and wants out.
There is a philosophy in business management that goes -- out of a group of employees:
10% are going to be inherently conscientious no matter what.
10% are going to be problems no matter what.
Success depends upon which way the 80% in the middle lean, and that is up to management.
As I said in the first paragraph, ours is dysfunctional.