Originally posted by moviegeekjn
Assuming that you've read Fair Play ?
What evidence is there that Costas is "pro-owner"?
Costas is for revenue sharing of Gate receipts and some local TV, but has no thought-out plan for proving the amount of revenue that a team earns though their local TV contracts and doesn't address the fact that Gate receipts don't come close to the amounts of "Other Local Revenue" such as concessions, parking, advertising, and luxary boxes. Without addressing this (out of ignorance or not) allows the owners to pretend fairness while still reaping the benifits of sweetheart deals.
Costas proposes a salary cap and floor on top of the revenue sharing. If you have revenue sharing, why do we need a cap? And if we have a team cap, why would we need an indivisual cap? This, at its core, is anti-player. "All players care about today is the money!!" Is so misguided its sad. A salary cap only goes to putting more money into the pockets of the owners as there is no true correlation between ticket prices and player's salaries. This is one of the biggest fallacies the owners have been able to pull over the public's eyes and Costas falls for it hook, line, and sinker.
A salary floor doesn't accomplish anything either. When you've got teams that are 27th and 28th making the playoffs and teams that are 3rd and 6th in payroll finishing last in their division I don't see how forcing those winning teams to spend more money will help competitive balance.
He wants to take away the DH, which would eliminate 14 MLB jobs. The union would never go for that. He wants to add "restricted FA" years to keep players from leaving teams.
The fact is, that Costas "suggestions" take all the leverage away from the players and give it to the owners. He might have the games best interest at heart, but either by ignorance or laziness, doesn't come even close to addressing the issues in a real world fashion.
Yes, I have read the book.