2021 - Prove It
I see your reasoning. But that's a BIG HOPEFULLY concerning Burfict. To me he'll be a head case, if not right away, then down the road. He'll be a distraction. He's not a team guy at all. He's a me guy.
I'd definately like to get out hands on some of that 2nd round talent. The other Fla. St. OT is very good too and was rated higher coming into the season before he got injured. Any of them would be good there.
See, I think the majority of it is immaturity and I believe that we have a great mix of defensive personnel to bring a player like Burfict into. It is amazing how the defensive attitude and culture changes when you have players bought into a legitimate defensive system like we have now w/ Horton.
It won't happen, but how sweet would a linebacking corp of Haggens, Acho, Burfict and Schofield on the outside and Washington, Lenon, Hightower and Bradley on the inside be?