I thought the booing was really impressive. Loudest I've ever heard at Sundevil. I don't boo myself but anyone that pays full admission has every right to boo. As fans it is the one way, short of giving up completely on the team, that we can make our objection hit home. Especially the twenty five thousand that refuse to give up on this team have every right to make it known we've waited long enough to see an actual NFL offense in Sundevil. If this team continues to find ways to lose games, the booing should be a constant thing. We are not going to sit there and shrug and say "same old cardinals."
The thing that really got me, was on the pregame show, King made a comment to the effect; " I really didn't think I played that bad in Carolina"
Apparently he just doesn't recognize, 4 fumbles and 3 picks is bad bad football. Thankfully yesterday there were plenty of people there to let him know what bad football looks like. Maybe he knows now.