also, and maybe most egregious, the set pieces were VERY meh.
I’m still pretty stunned at how lame it was.
I hate that the rumors I had been hearing turned out to be true. I was really hoping this was going to be good. How does a movie with the best trailer ever (the Blue Monday one) turn out this bad??? First it felt a bit choppy like they took a 3.5 hour movie and randomly chopped it down to 2.5. It really seemed like they left story elements on the cutting room floor and left in un-needed stuff. And even with that cutting up it was still 45 minutes too long. I really wish we'd get back to movies in the 90-120 minute range. Most of these stories don't need 3 hours and end up with too much filler.
The other thing that really struck me is how bad the CGI and wire work was in this. It's almost like they brought in a crew from the 90s to do it. TV shows are have better effects now. The Expanse and Mandalorian run circles around it.
Warner probably did the film a favor by going to HBO and not the theaters. Now they can claim X people streamed it instead of having to show poor box office numbers.