Black Jesus
No Talent Ass-Clown
Derek Fisher, plan and simple is a dirty player. Fisher is a small guy in height, but not in stature, he is about 220 lbs. His height allows him to get away with murder on the court. Aside from examples in the past, like when he blew up Luis Scola. Take a look at this series, during our pick and roll especially.
Amare or Lopez will set the screen, and the way Fisher runs through screens is to run into the setter's knees. Blatantly trying to contort a knee in a way it shouldn't go.
If that weren't enough, he reaches in grabbing on Nash while he is going around the screen, sometimes even judo chopping him.
And I don't believe for 2 seconds that his head placement was not intentional for Nash's broken nose. There was 16 seconds left in a game that was over. He was being overzealous and he masked his dirtiness effectively.
Lets gut Kobe and the Fish
Amare or Lopez will set the screen, and the way Fisher runs through screens is to run into the setter's knees. Blatantly trying to contort a knee in a way it shouldn't go.
If that weren't enough, he reaches in grabbing on Nash while he is going around the screen, sometimes even judo chopping him.
And I don't believe for 2 seconds that his head placement was not intentional for Nash's broken nose. There was 16 seconds left in a game that was over. He was being overzealous and he masked his dirtiness effectively.
Lets gut Kobe and the Fish